[Mew-dist 15364] 'mt'ってどこでも出来ていいのかなぁ ? (was Re: b87)

NINOMIYA Hideyuki nin at example.com
2000年 12月 9日 (土) 21:59:12 JST

こんばんは	二宮@お四国 です

+inbox や thread じゃない Virtual folder でも、'mt' 出来るのですが、
そのメッセージに review マークが付くだけで thread 全体にマークする

ならば、thread folder only であるべきではと思い(↓)こうしてみました。

Index: mew-summary.el
RCS file: /tmp/am/da/cvs/mew/mew-summary.el,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -F(def -r1.8 mew-summary.el
*** mew-summary.el	2000/12/09 08:09:43	1.8
--- mew-summary.el	2000/12/09 12:34:35
*************** (defmacro mew-virtual-only (&rest body)
*** 139,144 ****
--- 141,154 ----
    (` (cond
        ((not (mew-virtual-p))
         (message "This command can be used in Virtual mode only"))
+       (t (,@ body)))))
+ (defmacro mew-thread-only (&rest body)
+   "See if this buffer is Thread folder.
+ This macro is used to prohibit using a command in Summary mode."
+   (` (cond
+       ((not (mew-thread-p))
+        (message "This command can be used in Thread folder only"))
        (t (,@ body)))))
  (defmacro mew-summary-not-in-queue (&rest body)
Index: mew-thread.el
RCS file: /tmp/am/da/cvs/mew/mew-thread.el,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -F(def -r1.5 mew-thread.el
*** mew-thread.el	2000/12/09 08:09:44	1.5
--- mew-thread.el	2000/12/09 12:37:43
*************** (defun mew-summary-fancy-thread-print-tr
*** 445,468 ****
  (defun mew-summary-mark-select-thread ()
    "Put the '*' mark to all message in the current sub-thread."
!   (let* ((folder (mew-summary-folder-name))
! 	 (column (mew-summary-scan-form folder 'column))
! 	 (regex ""))
!     (save-excursion
!       (move-to-column column)
!       (while (looking-at mew-thread-indent-regex)
! 	(setq regex (concat regex mew-thread-indent-regex))
! 	(forward-char mew-thread-indent-length))
!       (setq regex (concat regex mew-thread-indent-regex))
!       (mew-summary-review-one 'no-msg)
!       (forward-line)
!       (catch 'loop
! 	(while t
! 	  (move-to-column column)
! 	  (if (looking-at regex)
! 	      (mew-summary-review-one 'no-msg)
! 	    (throw 'loop nil))
! 	  (forward-line))))))
  (defun mew-summary-thread-up ()
    "Move onto the top of the current thread.  If the current message is
--- 455,479 ----
  (defun mew-summary-mark-select-thread ()
    "Put the '*' mark to all message in the current sub-thread."
!   (mew-thread-only
!    (let* ((folder (mew-summary-folder-name))
! 	  (column (mew-summary-scan-form folder 'column))
! 	  (regex ""))
!      (save-excursion
!        (move-to-column column)
!        (while (looking-at mew-thread-indent-regex)
! 	 (setq regex (concat regex mew-thread-indent-regex))
! 	 (forward-char mew-thread-indent-length))
!        (setq regex (concat regex mew-thread-indent-regex))
!        (mew-summary-review-one 'no-msg)
!        (forward-line)
!        (catch 'loop
! 	 (while t
! 	   (move-to-column column)
! 	   (if (looking-at regex)
! 	       (mew-summary-review-one 'no-msg)
! 	     (throw 'loop nil))
! 	   (forward-line)))))))
  (defun mew-summary-thread-up ()
    "Move onto the top of the current thread.  If the current message is

(↑)ちょっと offset が出ると思います。m(__)m
# thread separator patch 当てた後だから...

または、+inbox や Virtual folder でも 'mt' でちゃんと thread にマーク
ICQ UIN:57442553                          二宮 秀幸@愛媛 鬼北 広見町
PGP-Fingerprint:  6C59 EC08 5B23 6490 44D0  7CD3 DA40 219F 7114 8553
PGP-Public-Key:    http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/~nin/pgp/public-key.txt
mailto:nin at example.com   http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/~nin/index.html
mailto:nin at example.com http://home.jp.freebsd.org/~nin/index.html

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