[Mew-dist 15622] Mew-1.95b91: bad PGP signature event

Brad Allen Ulmo at example.com
2000年 12月 25日 (月) 19:44:03 JST

Hi.  I got a bad signature event from an email I sent and got back in

In the attached email, you can see the difference between the way
I sent it from Mew-1.95b91 and the way I got it back via the Cc: via
Sendmail 8.10.1.  The general idea of the problem is obvious: there
are extra CRs (^M; C-m) at the end of some of the lines before the
buffer got put into signature and transit, and they didn't make it
through signature and transit.  I'll include the message and the diff
as a binary so you can see it clearly.

What is *not* clear without my studying the RFCs carefully (MIME,
PGP/MIME, OpenPGP, SMTP, and Internet Message format, among others) is
what is *supposed* to happen.  I will look into that now, but I will
only post a followup if I find the answer quickly enough.  I thought
at least I'll let you know of the problem in case you have any ideas.

Take care and thank you very much,
Brad Allen <Ulmo at example.com>

P.S., huh, C-c C-m isn't getting this message off.  Hmm, C-c C-c isn't
either.  Hmm.  Ok -- got it -- binary encoding wouldn't work in
MIME-composition, but Quoted-Printable would.  WOW!  COOL!  I can EDIT
it even after a signing and go back into MIME-comp mode!  Really
cool.  Only need to fix binary encoding ...
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--- /home/ulmo/Mail/Backup/92^IMon Dec 25 06:02:57 2000$
+++ /home/ulmo/Mail/inbox/291^IMon Dec 25 06:04:15 2000$
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@$
+From Ulmo at example.com Mon Dec 25 06:02:57 2000$
+Received: from localhost (IDENT:ulmo at example.com [])$
+^Iby Q.Net (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id eBPA2un16113;$
+^IMon, 25 Dec 2000 06:02:56 -0400 (AST)$
 Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 06:02:01 -0400 (AST)$
 Message-Id: <20001225.060201.607972211.ulmo at example.com>$
 To: efs-bugs at example.com$
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@$
 From: Brad Allen <Ulmo at example.com>$
 X-Mailer: Mew version 1.95b91 on XEmacs 21.1.12 (Channel Islands)$
 Reply-To: Brad Allen <Ulmo at example.com>, Brad Allen <802000207 at example.com>,$
- Brad Allen <bradley at example.com>$
+   Brad Allen <bradley at example.com>$
 Disposition-Notification-To: Ulmo at example.com$
 Return-Receipt-To: Ulmo at example.com$
 Mime-Version: 1.0$
@@ -100,32 +104,32 @@$
 open rumac.uprm.edu$
-open rumac.uprm.edu^M$
+open rumac.uprm.edu$
 Connected to rumac.uprm.edu.$
 220 RUMAC.UPR.CLU.EDU MultiNet FTP Server Process V4.2(16) at Mon 25-Dec-2000 5:40AM-EST$
 quote user "802000207"$
 quote user "802000207"$
 Remote system type is VMS.$
-ftp> quote user "802000207"^M$
+ftp> quote user "802000207"$
 331 User name (802000207) ok. Password, please.$
 quote pass  Turtle Power!$
 ftp> quote pass ********$
-quote pass ********^M$
+quote pass ********$
 230 User 802000207 logged into DIA3:[802000207] at Mon 25-Dec-2000 5:40AM-EST, job 2d8a5.$
-ftp> hash^M$
+ftp> hash$
 Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).$
 ftp> quote pwd$
-quote pwd^M$
+quote pwd$
 257 "DIA3:[802000207]" is current directory.$
 quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
 ftp> quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
-quote cwd dia3:[802000207]^M$
+quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
 250 Connected to $1$DIA3:[802000207].$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx$
-ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx^M$
+ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx$
 500 I never heard of the EPSV command.  Try HELP.$
 quote cwd dia3:[802000207]^I^I^I<<<<<<<<<<<<< confused$
 227 Entering Passive Mode (136,145,30,35,6,203)$
@@ -134,9 +138,9 @@$
 226 Transfer completed.$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx                      <<<<<<<<< confused$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx                      <<<<<<< confused etc.$
-ftp> quote cwd dia3:[802000207]^M$
+ftp> quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
 250 Connected to $1$DIA3:[802000207].$
-ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx^M$
+ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx$
 type ascii$
 227 Entering Passive Mode (136,145,30,35,6,204)$
 type ascii$
@@ -144,16 +148,16 @@$
 150 List started.$
 get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx.COM$
 226 Transfer completed.$
-ftp> type ascii^M$
+ftp> type ascii$
 200 Type A ok.$
-ftp> get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx.COM^M$
+ftp> get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsaAEvWx.COM$
 227 Entering Passive Mode (136,145,30,35,6,205)$
 150 ASCII retrieve of $1$DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM;1 started.$
 226 Transfer completed.  24 (8) bytes transferred.$
 24 bytes received in 0.02 seconds (1.01 KB/s)$
 ftp> quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM$
-quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM^M$
+quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM$
 500 I never heard of the MDTM command.  Try HELP.$
 ftp> $
@@ -279,49 +283,49 @@$
 vvvvvv below is version where /usr/bin/ftp does not try this vvvvvv$
 open rumac.uprm.edu$
-open rumac.uprm.edu^M$
+open rumac.uprm.edu$
 Connected to rumac.uprm.edu.$
 220 RUMAC.UPR.CLU.EDU MultiNet FTP Server Process V4.2(16) at Mon 25-Dec-2000 5:50AM-EST$
 quote user "802000207"$
 quote user "802000207"$
 Remote system type is VMS.$
-ftp> quote user "802000207"^M$
+ftp> quote user "802000207"$
 331 User name (802000207) ok. Password, please.$
 quote pass  Turtle Power!$
 ftp> quote pass ********$
-quote pass ********^M$
+quote pass ********$
 230 User 802000207 logged into DIA3:[802000207] at Mon 25-Dec-2000 5:50AM-EST, job 2d6af.$
-ftp> hash^M$
+ftp> hash$
 Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).$
 quote pwd$
 ftp> quote pwd$
-quote pwd^M$
+quote pwd$
 257 "DIA3:[802000207]" is current directory.$
 quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
 ftp> quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
-quote cwd dia3:[802000207]^M$
+quote cwd dia3:[802000207]$
 250 Connected to $1$DIA3:[802000207].$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx$
 dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx$
-ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx^M$
+ftp> dir "" /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx$
 227 Entering Passive Mode (136,145,30,35,6,245)$
 150 List started.$
 226 Transfer completed.$
 type ascii$
 ftp> type ascii$
-type ascii^M$
+type ascii$
 200 Type A ok.$
 ftp> get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx.COM$
-get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx.COM^M$
+get DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM /tmp/ulmo/efsamE-fx.COM$
 227 Entering Passive Mode (136,145,30,35,6,246)$
 150 ASCII retrieve of $1$DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM;1 started.$
 226 Transfer completed.  24 (8) bytes transferred.$
 quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM$
 quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM$
 24 bytes received in 0.06 seconds (0.37 KB/s)$
-ftp> quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM^M$
+ftp> quote mdtm DIA3:[802000207]LOGIN.COM$
 500 I never heard of the MDTM command.  Try HELP.$
 ftp> $
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ファイル名: good_signed_message
型:         application/octet-stream
サイズ:     13123 バイト
説明:       message/rfc822 good signature (transit here in binary)
URL:        <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20001225/4e3000da/attachment.obj>
-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: bad_signed_message
型:         application/octet-stream
サイズ:     13310 バイト
説明:       message/rfc822 bad signature (transit here in binary)
URL:        <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20001225/4e3000da/attachment-0001.obj>
-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: 無し
型:         application/pgp-signature
サイズ:     230 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20001225/4e3000da/attachment.bin>

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