[Mew-dist 15630] Re: Mew-1.95b91: bad PGP signature event
sen_ml at example.com
sen_ml at example.com
2000年 12月 26日 (火) 14:20:06 JST
for future reference, i think correspondence in english is supposed to
go to the mew-int list. see question 6.1 in the Mew faq:
perhaps follow-up discussion should move there?
From: Brad Allen <Ulmo at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 15622] Mew-1.95b91: bad PGP signature event
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 19:44:03 +0900
> Hi. I got a bad signature event from an email I sent and got back in
> carbon-copy.
> In the attached email, you can see the difference between the way
> I sent it from Mew-1.95b91 and the way I got it back via the Cc: via
> Sendmail 8.10.1. The general idea of the problem is obvious: there
> are extra CRs (^M; C-m) at the end of some of the lines before the
> buffer got put into signature and transit,
looking at the two messages you attached, it looks to me like the
receiving sendmail has stripped some ^Ms from the data stream. is
that what you are saying?
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