[Mew-dist 12089] can't imget (IM136)

hosoda at example.com hosoda at example.com
2000年 1月 20日 (木) 20:10:10 JST



AlphaStation 255/233
Linux 2.2.12-7
imget version 20000113(IM136)
perl 5.005_03


sy11::~>imget --debug=on
imget: setting debug level on=1
Password (pop/pop:hosoda at example.com): 
imget: accessing POP/POP:hosoda at example.com for get
imget: opening POP session (POP)
imget: opening pop3 session to sp8sun.spring8.or.jp(pop3).
imget: >>> +OK QPOP (version 2.53) at sp8sun.spring8.or.jp starting.  
imget: <<< USER hosoda
imget: >>> +OK Password required for hosoda.
imget: <<< PASS ********
imget: >>> +OK hosoda has 2 messages (5485 octets).
imget: getting number of message.
imget: <<< STAT
imget: >>> +OK 2 5485
imget: 2 message(s) found.
imget: Getting new messages into +inbox....
imget: getting message 1.
imget: <<< RETR 1
imget: >>> +OK 908 octets
imget: saving the message into +inbox
imget: creating file: /home/hosoda/Mail/inbox/7
imget: creating /home/hosoda/Mail/inbox/7
imget: ERROR: writing to /home/hosoda/Mail/inbox/7 failed (ソケットでないものにソケット操作をしています).
imget: POP processing error.
imget: closing POP session.
imget: <<< QUIT
imget: >>> +OK Pop server at sp8sun.spring8.or.jp signing off.



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