[Mew-dist 13470] mew-1.95b43.patch1
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2000年 7月 4日 (火) 14:05:11 JST
すでに気分は alpha で、当分次の beta は出そうにありません。ので、緊急
Non-Mule な環境のためのパッチと、RSA/DSA SSH を使うためのパッチです。
diff -c -r1.32 mew-mule0.el
*** mew-mule0.el 2000/07/04 03:32:43 1.32
--- mew-mule0.el 2000/07/04 04:53:44
*** 8,13 ****
--- 8,16 ----
(defconst mew-mule0-version "mew-mule0.el version 0.10")
+ ;; must be here
+ (defun mew-coding-system-p (cs) nil)
;; In the context of Mew, 'charset' means MIME charset.
;; 'cs' means the internal representation of Emacs (was known as Mule).
diff -c -r1.23 -r1.24
*** mew-ssh.el 2000/07/01 01:56:46 1.23
--- mew-ssh.el 2000/07/04 04:10:03 1.24
*** 15,21 ****
(` (elt (, list-or-vec) mew-ssh-ver)))
(defconst mew-ssh-msg-passwd
! '("password:\\|passphrase:" "password:\\|passphrase:" "password:\\|passphrase:"))
(defconst mew-ssh-msg-connected
'("Entering interactive session" "client_authenticated"
--- 15,23 ----
(` (elt (, list-or-vec) mew-ssh-ver)))
(defconst mew-ssh-msg-passwd
! '("password:\\|Enter passphrase"
! "password:\\|Enter passphrase"
! "password:\\|Enter passphrase"))
(defconst mew-ssh-msg-connected
'("Entering interactive session" "client_authenticated"
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内