[Mew-dist 13490] Re: 振り分け

Atsushi Onoe onoe at example.com
2000年 7月 4日 (火) 20:18:45 JST

> え... 本当?
> 正式に quit しないと、サーバは消さないんですよ。RFC 1939 参照。



qpopper/INSTALL より:

r) NOUPDATEONABORT -- By default, qpopper enters 
update state on session abort. This flag causes 
qpopper to ignore any changes (deletions) if the 
qpopper session is aborted.  Note that RFC 1939,
section 6 (et al) prohibits the qpopper default
behavior, but experience showed that otherwise
users on noisy lines were often unable to delete
their mail.  Define this macro to inhibit the
default behavior, and obey RFC 1939,

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