[Mew-dist 13659] a patch for b47
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2000年 7月 17日 (月) 11:06:57 JST
時間がないのでパッチの形にします。以下のパッチを当ると draft の
coding-system 問題が直ると思います。テストして下さい。
なお、歌代さんが指摘した、"0" から始まるメール問題ですが、正規表現を厳
密にして、"0" から始まるメールは引っ掛からないようにしました。
-------------- next part --------------
Index: mew-config.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-config.el,v
retrieving revision 1.40
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -c -r1.40 -r1.41
*** mew-config.el 2000/07/13 13:05:58 1.40
--- mew-config.el 2000/07/14 13:56:50 1.41
*** 256,262 ****
(mew-header-alist mew-draft-buffer-config))
(if (null mew-header-message) (mew-draft-header-keymap)))
! (mew-draft-save-buffer))))
(defun mew-draft-set-config-by-guess ()
(let ((cfgs (mew-refile-guess-by-alist1 mew-config-guess-alist)))
--- 256,262 ----
(mew-header-alist mew-draft-buffer-config))
(if (null mew-header-message) (mew-draft-header-keymap)))
! (save-buffer))))
(defun mew-draft-set-config-by-guess ()
(let ((cfgs (mew-refile-guess-by-alist1 mew-config-guess-alist)))
Index: mew-const.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-const.el,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.9 -r1.10
*** mew-const.el 2000/06/27 03:09:02 1.9
--- mew-const.el 2000/07/14 13:56:50 1.10
*** 180,186 ****
(defconst mew-regex-files "^[^.]\\|^.[^.]")
! (defconst mew-regex-message-files "^[0-9]+$")
(defconst mew-regex-mark "\\([^ 0-9]\\)")
(defconst mew-regex-msg "^ *\\([0-9]+\\)")
--- 180,186 ----
(defconst mew-regex-files "^[^.]\\|^.[^.]")
! (defconst mew-regex-message-files "^[1-9][0-9]*$")
(defconst mew-regex-mark "\\([^ 0-9]\\)")
(defconst mew-regex-msg "^ *\\([0-9]+\\)")
Index: mew-draft.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-draft.el,v
retrieving revision 1.204
retrieving revision 1.205
diff -c -r1.204 -r1.205
*** mew-draft.el 2000/07/05 09:24:28 1.204
--- mew-draft.el 2000/07/14 13:56:50 1.205
*** 133,140 ****
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-r" 'mew-pgp-encrypt-sign-message)
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-a" 'mew-draft-toggle-privacy-always)
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-e" 'mew-draft-toggle-privacy-encrypted)
! (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-d" 'mew-draft-set-privacy-type)
! (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-x\C-s" 'mew-draft-save-buffer))
(if mew-draft-body-map
(setq mew-draft-body-map (make-sparse-keymap))
--- 133,139 ----
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-r" 'mew-pgp-encrypt-sign-message)
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-a" 'mew-draft-toggle-privacy-always)
(define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-e" 'mew-draft-toggle-privacy-encrypted)
! (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-p\C-d" 'mew-draft-set-privacy-type))
(if mew-draft-body-map
(setq mew-draft-body-map (make-sparse-keymap))
*** 268,274 ****
(define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-f\C-n" 'mew-fib-next-item)
(define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-f\C-p" 'mew-fib-previous-item)
(define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-f\C-z" 'mew-fib-flush-input)
- (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-x\C-s" 'mew-draft-save-buffer)
(if mew-xemacs-p
--- 267,272 ----
*** 516,525 ****
(setq switch-func (function switch-to-buffer)))
((eq switch-func t)
(setq switch-func (function switch-to-buffer-other-window))))
! (mew-frwlet
! mew-cs-draft mew-cs-dummy
! (funcall switch-func (find-file-noselect draft-path)))
;; draft buffer
;; copy config, first
(setq mew-draft-buffer-config mew-config-output)
(rename-buffer draftname))))
--- 514,522 ----
(setq switch-func (function switch-to-buffer)))
((eq switch-func t)
(setq switch-func (function switch-to-buffer-other-window))))
! (funcall switch-func (find-file-noselect draft-path))
;; draft buffer
+ (mew-set-buffer-cs mew-cs-draft)
;; copy config, first
(setq mew-draft-buffer-config mew-config-output)
(rename-buffer draftname))))
*** 906,919 ****
- (defun mew-draft-save-buffer ()
- "Save this buffer with the mew-cs-draft coding-system"
- (interactive)
- (mew-frwlet
- mew-cs-dummy mew-cs-draft
- (save-buffer))
- (mew-encode-make-backup 'syntax-only))
(defun mew-draft-rehighlight ()
"Highlight header and body again."
--- 903,908 ----
Index: mew-edit.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-edit.el,v
retrieving revision 1.82
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -c -r1.82 -r1.83
*** mew-edit.el 2000/07/07 05:35:46 1.82
--- mew-edit.el 2000/07/14 13:56:50 1.83
*** 528,534 ****
(mew-encode-syntax-delete 'all)
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))))
! (mew-draft-save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-draft-hook))))
(defun mew-summary-reedit-for-queue (fld msg part)
--- 528,534 ----
(mew-encode-syntax-delete 'all)
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))))
! (save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-draft-hook))))
(defun mew-summary-reedit-for-queue (fld msg part)
*** 554,560 ****
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (mew-draft-save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-hook)))
(defun mew-summary-reedit-for-message (fld msg part)
--- 554,560 ----
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-hook)))
(defun mew-summary-reedit-for-message (fld msg part)
*** 585,591 ****
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (mew-draft-save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-hook))))
--- 585,591 ----
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (save-buffer)
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-reedit-hook))))
*** 637,643 ****
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (mew-draft-save-buffer)
(if (file-exists-p nfile) (delete-file nfile))
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-edit-again-hook))))))
--- 637,643 ----
(if mew-encode-syntax
(mew-draft-prepare-attachments t)))
! (save-buffer)
(if (file-exists-p nfile) (delete-file nfile))
(run-hooks 'mew-draft-mode-edit-again-hook))))))
Index: mew-mule0.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-mule0.el,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -c -r1.34 -r1.35
*** mew-mule0.el 2000/07/05 09:24:29 1.34
--- mew-mule0.el 2000/07/14 13:56:51 1.35
*** 84,89 ****
--- 84,91 ----
(defmacro mew-set-process-cs (pro from-pro to-pro) nil)
+ (defmacro mew-set-buffer-cs (write) nil)
(defmacro mew-plet (&rest body)
(` (let ((call-process-hook nil))
(,@ body))))
Index: mew-mule2.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-mule2.el,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -c -r1.50 -r1.51
*** mew-mule2.el 2000/07/06 14:12:43 1.50
--- mew-mule2.el 2000/07/14 13:56:51 1.51
*** 215,222 ****
;; Process environment
! (defun mew-set-process-cs (pro from-pro to-pro)
! (set-process-coding-system pro from-pro to-pro))
(defmacro mew-plet (&rest body)
(` (let ((call-process-hook nil)
--- 215,225 ----
;; Process environment
! (defmacro mew-set-process-cs (pro from-pro to-pro)
! (` (set-process-coding-system (, pro) (, from-pro) (, to-pro))))
! (defmacro mew-set-buffer-cs (write)
! (` (setq file-coding-system (, write))))
(defmacro mew-plet (&rest body)
(` (let ((call-process-hook nil)
Index: mew-mule3.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-mule3.el,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -c -r1.49 -r1.50
*** mew-mule3.el 2000/07/05 09:24:29 1.49
--- mew-mule3.el 2000/07/14 13:56:51 1.50
*** 150,157 ****
;; Process environment
! (defun mew-set-process-cs (process read write)
! (set-process-coding-system process read write))
(defmacro mew-plet (&rest body)
`(let ((call-process-hook nil)
--- 150,160 ----
;; Process environment
! (defmacro mew-set-process-cs (process read write)
! `(set-process-coding-system ,process ,read ,write))
! (defmacro mew-set-buffer-cs (write)
! `(setq buffer-file-coding-system ,write))
(defmacro mew-plet (&rest body)
`(let ((call-process-hook nil)
Index: mew-pgp.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-pgp.el,v
retrieving revision 1.129
retrieving revision 1.130
diff -c -r1.129 -r1.130
*** mew-pgp.el 2000/07/13 12:04:17 1.129
--- mew-pgp.el 2000/07/14 07:35:47 1.130
*** 16,27 ****
;;; PGP 2.6.x is supported.
;;; PGP 5.x is supported. But very ad-hoc.
! ;;; GNUPG 0.9.x is supported. But very ad-hoc.
;;; PGP 6.x is supported. But very ad-hoc.
(defvar mew-pgp-ver nil
! "Automatically set 0 if PGP version is 2. Set 1 if 5. Set 2 if 6. Set 3 if GNUPG.")
(defconst mew-pgp-ver2 0)
(defconst mew-pgp-ver5 1)
--- 16,28 ----
;;; PGP 2.6.x is supported.
;;; PGP 5.x is supported. But very ad-hoc.
! ;;; GNUPG 1.2 is supported.
;;; PGP 6.x is supported. But very ad-hoc.
(defvar mew-pgp-ver nil
! "Automatically set 0 if PGP version is 2.
! Set 1 if 5. Set 2 if 6. Set 3 if GNUPG.")
(defconst mew-pgp-ver2 0)
(defconst mew-pgp-ver5 1)
*** 56,71 ****
--- 57,75 ----
("-a" "+language=en" "+batchmode=on" "+armorlines=0")
("-ea" "+language=en" "+batchmode=on" "+armorlines=0")
("--encrypt" "--armor" "--batch")))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpd-arg
'(("+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
("+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
("+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
(defconst mew-prog-pgps-arg
'(("-sba" "+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
("-ba" "+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
("-sba" "+language=en" "+batchmode=off")
("--detach-sign" "--armor")))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpv-arg
'(("+batchmode=on" "+language=en")
("+batchmode=on" "+language=en" "+force=on")
*** 78,84 ****
(defconst mew-prog-arg-ruserid '(nil "-r" nil "--remote-user"))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpk-add-arg
! '(("-ka" "+batchmode=on") ("-a" "+batchmode=on") ("-ka" "+batchmode=on") ("--import" "--batch")))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpk-ext-arg
'(("-kxfa") ("-xa") ("-kxfa") ("--export" "--armor" "--batch")))
--- 82,92 ----
(defconst mew-prog-arg-ruserid '(nil "-r" nil "--remote-user"))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpk-add-arg
! '(("-ka" "+batchmode=on")
! ("-a" "+batchmode=on")
! ("-ka" "+batchmode=on")
! ("--import" "--batch")))
(defconst mew-prog-pgpk-ext-arg
'(("-kxfa") ("-xa") ("-kxfa") ("--export" "--armor" "--batch")))
*** 93,129 ****
": \\(0x[0-9A-Za-z]+\\)"
": \\(0x[0-9A-Za-z]+\\)"
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-bad-pass
! '("No passphrase" "Cannot unlock private key\\|It can only be decrypted" "Bad pass phrase" "bad passphrase"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter
'("Enter" "Enter" "Enter" "xxx"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter-pass
! '("Enter pass phrase: " "Enter pass phrase: " "Enter pass phrase: " "Enter passphrase: "))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-reenter-pass
! '("Enter pass phrase: " "Enter pass phrase: " "Enter pass phrase: " "Enter passphrase: "))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-enckey
! '("Key matching" "No encryption keys" "public key matching" "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-validkey
"^WARNING:[ -9;-~\n]+belongs? to:"
"^WARNING:[ -9;-~\n]+belongs? to:"
"no info to calculate a trust probability")) ;;xxx
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-vrfkey
'("Key matching" "unknown keyid" "key does not meet" "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring
'("Keyring file" "Keyring file" "NO MESSAGE" "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-seckey-or-secring
'("You do not have the secret key"
"Cannot find a private key"
"Signature error\\|You do not have the secret key"
": decryption failed: secret key not available"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-unsupported
'("Unsupported packet format" ;; including algorithms and packets
"Unsupported packet format\\|None of the signatures were understood"
"Unsupported packet format" ;; including algorithms and packets
(defconst mew-pgp-verify-addr
! '(".* \\(signature from user\\) " "\\( \\)" ".* \\(signature from user\\) " "gpg: .* \\(from\\|aka\\) "))
;; 2: ASCII armor corrupted
;; 3:
--- 101,163 ----
": \\(0x[0-9A-Za-z]+\\)"
": \\(0x[0-9A-Za-z]+\\)"
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-bad-pass
! '("No passphrase"
! "Cannot unlock private key\\|It can only be decrypted"
! "Bad pass phrase"
! "bad passphrase"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter
'("Enter" "Enter" "Enter" "xxx"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter-pass
! '("Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter passphrase: "))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-reenter-pass
! '("Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter pass phrase: "
! "Enter passphrase: "))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-enckey
! '("Key matching"
! "No encryption keys"
! "public key matching"
! "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-validkey
"^WARNING:[ -9;-~\n]+belongs? to:"
"^WARNING:[ -9;-~\n]+belongs? to:"
"no info to calculate a trust probability")) ;;xxx
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-vrfkey
'("Key matching" "unknown keyid" "key does not meet" "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring
'("Keyring file" "Keyring file" "NO MESSAGE" "public key not found"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-seckey-or-secring
'("You do not have the secret key"
"Cannot find a private key"
"Signature error\\|You do not have the secret key"
": decryption failed: secret key not available"))
(defconst mew-pgp-msg-unsupported
'("Unsupported packet format" ;; including algorithms and packets
"Unsupported packet format\\|None of the signatures were understood"
"Unsupported packet format" ;; including algorithms and packets
(defconst mew-pgp-verify-addr
! '(".* \\(signature from user\\) "
! "\\( \\)"
! ".* \\(signature from user\\) "
! "gpg: .* \\(from\\|aka\\) "))
;; 2: ASCII armor corrupted
;; 3:
Index: mew-pop.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-pop.el,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -c -r1.26 -r1.27
*** mew-pop.el 2000/07/13 13:05:58 1.26
--- mew-pop.el 2000/07/14 07:35:48 1.27
*** 443,449 ****
(mew-pop-set-try pnm nil)
(mew-pop-set-key pnm nil)
(mew-pop-set-cnt pnm nil) ;; change 0 to nil
! (message "APOP password is wrong!")
(mew-passwd-set-passwd (mew-pop-passtag pnm) nil)) ;; xxx server disconnect?
(defun mew-pop-command-list (pro pnm)
--- 443,454 ----
(mew-pop-set-try pnm nil)
(mew-pop-set-key pnm nil)
(mew-pop-set-cnt pnm nil) ;; change 0 to nil
! (let ((auth (mew-pop-get-auth pnm)))
! (cond
! ((or (eq auth 'pass) (eq auth 'user))
! (message "POP password is wrong!"))
! (t
! (message "APOP password is wrong!"))))
(mew-passwd-set-passwd (mew-pop-passtag pnm) nil)) ;; xxx server disconnect?
(defun mew-pop-command-list (pro pnm)
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内