[Mew-dist 12639] Re: Completion of header fields
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2000年 3月 8日 (水) 11:38:50 JST
From: Christophe TROESTLER <mewlist at example.com>
Subject: Re: [Mew-dist 12637] Re: Completion of header fields
> Sorry to ask again for the automatic setting of "config" option,
Pls feel free to to it. I will answer if time allows.
> (setq mew-config-insert-when-composed t)
> (setq mew-config-guess-alist
> '(("To:"
> ("mew.org" . "mew") )
> )
> and, despite that, the "mew" config is not set automatically when
> reply to a mail from the list (like this one) and neither selected as
> the default choice when I press "C-c C-o"... Is it possible to do
> that? --- and how are the conflicts solved, i.e., when two "config"
> sould be selected...
You are confused mew-config-alist with mew-config-guess-alist. See
the documentation of mew-config-alist.
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