[Mew-dist 13103] スペース キーを押してもmessagetが表示されません。

y-onion y-onion at example.com
2000年 5月 28日 (日) 12:31:44 JST

スペース キーを押してもmessagetが表示されません。


Invalid Functino:
(4)”[nil]1”setthe multibyte
 flago of the current buffer to FLAG


### Sample ~/.im/Config
### Syntax::
### key=value
###  * "key=value" is equivalent to "--key=value" style command option.
###  * "key" must start at the beginning of the line.
###  * "=" must follow after "key" without white spaces.
###  * White spaces are allowed between "=" and "value".
###  * ":" can be used instead of "=".
###  * Characters after "#" are ignored.
### The following examples are all the same:
### key=value
### key=  value
### key:value
###     key:  value
### $variable will be expanded.
### '~' will be expanded.

## Individual information

#Name=Full Name   # commentary name for my mail address
#Org=The Mew Organization # for news posting

## Default global parameters

### Directories (relative to ~/)
NewsDir=News   # for saved news

### Folders in $MailDir
#InboxFolder=+inbox  # default destination of imget
#TrashFolder=+trash  # default destination of message removal in Mew

### Folder style in $NewsDir (saved news articles)
#PreserveDot=off  # off: /news/group/, on: /news.group/

### Mode for creation

### To keep state of IM commands (CurrentFolder, etc.)
#ContextFile=Context  # relative to ~/.im/

## Default settings

## Mail address aliases
#AliasesFile=Aliases  # relative to ~/.im/
## PetName: mail address aliases for displaying
#PetnameFile=Petnames  # relative to ~/.im/

## Message-ID database
#MsgDBFile=msgiddb  # location (relative to ~/.im/)
#MsgDBType=DB   # type of database (DB, NDBM, SDBM)

## To call user defined subroutines (relative to ~/.im/)
#GetSbr=get.sbr   # hooks for imget
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr  # hooks for imget/imls

## Working folders
#Src=$InboxFolder  # default source of most commands
#Imrm.Src=$TrashFolder  # default source for message cleanups

## imget/imls specific
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr  # hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
Form=%+5n %m%d %-14A %-18S  # default format for scanning
#AllowCRLF=no   # saved messages may contain CRLF (DOS style)
#Width=80   # default width for scanning
#JisSafe=on   # escape seq. of JIS char. should be managed
#Indent=2   # indent step for threading

## Servers
Smtpservers=ps.ksky.ne.jp  # default server for SMTP
#EmgSmtpSvrs=,localhost # SMTP server just for error return
#NntpServers=localhost  # default server for NNTP

## imget specific
#GetSbr=get.sbr   # hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
Imget.Src=pop/POP:y-onion at example.com  # default source of imget (local
#lock=flock   # locking style of local mailbox
#rpath=append   # conversion of UNIX From into Return-Path:
#PopHistory=pophist  # to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#NntpHistory=newshist  # to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#MBoxStyle=qmail  # if folder style mbox of qmail is used
#Imget.Src=local:${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail
#UseCL=no   # Use value of Content-Length header
#NoSync=no   # Do not need fsync(2) on writing file

#PopAccount=/APOP at example.com # account info for POP access
#PopAccount=user/APOP at example.com # account info with user name
#PopAccount=user/APOP at example.com/110 # account info with user name and port number
Keep=7     # preserve read messages on server
#ProtoKeep=UIDL   # how to know which message is unread
#IgnorePostPet=yes  # leave messages for PostPet on mbox (POP only)

#ImapAccount=/AUTH at example.com # account info for IMAP access
#ImapAccount=user/AUTH at example.com # account info with user name
#HttpProxy=proxy-server:8080 # proxy server for HTTP access
#NoProxy=http://.*my.domain/ # URL regex not to use Proxy server
#UsePwAgent=yes   # use password agent
#PwAgentPort=6543  # Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
                                # (Insecure for multi-user system!)
    # 0 to use UNIX domain socket (more secure)

# be careful on security if you wish to use PwFiles!
UsePwFiles=yes   # use password files
PwFiles=password  # password files (relative to ~/.im/)

## imput specific
#FccDir=$MailDir  # directory for FCC folders
#QueueDir=queue   # directory for to store messages to be sent
#MsgIdDomain=${HOST}  # if you want to use FQDN of dispatching host
#ObeyMTAdomain=yes  # do not append domainpart to addresses by imput
#NoMsgIdForNews=yes  # do not insert Message-Id: when posting as news
#NewsGMTdate=yes  # use GMT for Date: when posting as news
#noJPheader   # do not encode ISO-2022-JP with RFC2047
#Defcode=EUC   # default code in case no way to judge SJIS/EUCj
#JPconv=yes   # convert SJIS/EUCj to ISO-2022-JP
#NoHdrFolding=yes  # do not fold long header line when encoding
#HdrQEncoding=yes  # use Q-encoding to encode ISO-2022-JP
#NameInComment=yes  # yes: (Full Name) Addr, no: Full Name <Addr>
#Lines=3000   # unit to split a message to partial
#Annotate=yes   # annotate on parent messages (MsgDB required)

# Common operational settings

#case mew

#case queue

#case news
#Assoc= +inbox=nntp:fj.mail.system.sendmail;\
# +inbox=nntp:fj.mail

#case default
# -- global setting again --

XEmacs 20.4"Emerald" (linux,mule) of mon apr 20 1988 on dres

Mew version 1.93b33

# perl -v

This is perl, version 5.004_04 built for i386-linux

Copyright 1987-1997, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.


(auto-compression-mode t)
(setq fill-column 72)
(setq default^major-mode 'text-mode)
(setq text-mode-hook '(lambda () (auto-fill-more 1)))
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(set-terminal-coding-system 'iso-2022-jp)
(load "mime-setup")
(load-library "canna" )

(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '( ( "\\.html$" . yahtml-mode)
                 ( "\\.htm$"  . yahtml-mode)
                 ( "\\.Shtml$" . yahtml-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
(autoload 'yahtml-mode "yahtml" "Yet Another HTML mode" t)
(setq yahtml-www-browser "netscape")
(setq w3-default-homepage "http://localhost/")
(setq minibuffer-max-depth nil)
;;; sample file of .emacs
; This is just a sample. You should customize as you like...

;;; Site configuration

(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(setq mew-mail-domain-list '("ps.ksky.ne.jp"))
(setq mew-icon-directory "icon directory")

;;; Window tips

;; If you use XEmacs and your video chip provides only limited
;; color map(e.g. 256), put the following line to avoid exhaustion
;; of colors.
;(setq mew-demo-picture nil)

 ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
;  (setq url-be-asynchronous t)
;  (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'iso-2022-jp)
;  (setq keyboard-coding-system    'iso-2022-jp)
;  (setq terminal-coding-system    'iso-2022-jp)
  (add-menu-item '("Apps") "Read Mail (Mew)" 'mew t "Read Mail (VM)...")
  (add-menu-item '("Apps") "Send Mail (Mew)" 'mew-send t "Read Mail
  (delete-menu-item '("Apps" "Read Mail (VM)..."))
  (delete-menu-item '("Apps" "Read Mail (MH)..."))
  (delete-menu-item '("Apps" "Send mail..."))
  (setq toolbar-mail-reader 'Mew)
  (setq toolbar-mail-commands-alist
 (cons '(Mew . mew) toolbar-mail-commands-alist))
 ((string< "20" emacs-version)
;  (setq standard-fontset-spec14
; "-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-standard")
;  (create-fontset-from-fontset-spec standard-fontset-spec14 nil 'noerror)
;  (set-default-font standard-fontset-spec14)
 (t ;; Mule 2.3 or Emacs 19

;;; Citation tip
;;; From: Kazu Yamamoto <Kazu at example.com>
;;; Subject: Hello World
;;; Date: Thu, 08 Dec 1994 11:44:08 +0900
;;; Message-Id: <199509291309.WAA21663 at example.com>
;;; kazu> The quick brown fox jumped over the very lazy dog.

(setq mew-cite-fields '("From:" "Subject:" "Date:" "Message-ID:"))
(setq mew-cite-format "From: %s\nSubject: %s\nDate: %s\nMessage-ID: %s\n\n")
(setq mew-cite-prefix-function 'mew-cite-prefix-username)

;;; Unstable OSes

;; If pipe of your OS is not stable, both 'imget' and 'imls' don't
;; succeed. If so, add the following.
;(setq mew-connection-type1 t) ;; use PTY

;;; End

OS debian  hamm jp
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