[Mew-dist 14942] Re: patch for mew-time-ctz-to-rfc

Takahiro Kambe taca at example.com
2000年 11月 20日 (月) 14:25:55 JST

In message <20001120.141559.71094034.kazu at example.com>
	on Mon, 20 Nov 2000 14:16:13 +0900,
	Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com> wrote:
> From: Hideyuki SHIRAI (白井秀行) <shirai at example.com>
> Subject: [Mew-dist 14940] Re: patch for mew-time-ctz-to-rfc
> > (let ((system-time-locale "C"))
> >   (format-time-string "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"))
> > => "Mon, 20 Nov 2000 13:26:22 +0900"
> *BSD* では再現できないので教えて下さい。
Emacs 20.7で、format-time-stringをdescribe-functionすると、

%a is the locale's abbreviated name of the day of week, %A the full name.


> (Q1) 上記の "C" は nil ではだめなのですか?

> (Q2) current-time-string も locale に影響されますか?

Return the current time, as a human-readable string.
Programs can use this function to decode a time,
since the number of columns in each field is fixed.
The format is `Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973'.
However, see also the functions `decode-time' and `format-time-string'
which provide a much more powerful and general facility.


神戸 隆博(かんべ たかひろ)		at 仕事場 

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