[Mew-dist 14475] Re: attachment file trouble
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2000年 10月 10日 (火) 20:45:14 JST
From: Shuhei KOBAYASHI <shuhei at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 14474] Re: attachment file trouble
> 「境界は前にある改行を含む」は確かですが,
> 「(もちろん最後にも改行が必要)」は本当ですか?
RFC 1521 も、RFC 2046 も、最後に CRLF があるように思いますけど。
# transport-padding って知らなかった。Mew で受け取れるように直さないと。
---RFC 1521
multipart-body := preamble 1*encapsulation
close-delimiter epilogue
preamble := discard-text
encapsulation := delimiter body-part CRLF
delimiter := "--" boundary CRLF
close-delimiter := "--" boundary "--" CRLF
epilogue := discard-text
boundary := 0*69<bchars> bcharsnospace
NOTE: The CRLF preceding the encapsulation line is conceptually
attached to the boundary so that it is possible to have a part
that does not end with a CRLF (line break). Body parts that must
be considered to end with line breaks, therefore, must have two
CRLFs preceding the encapsulation line, the first of which is part
of the preceding body part, and the second of which is part of the
encapsulation boundary.
---RFC 2046
multipart-body := [preamble CRLF]
dash-boundary transport-padding CRLF
body-part *encapsulation
dash-boundary := "--" boundary
boundary := 0*69<bchars> bcharsnospace
encapsulation := delimiter transport-padding
CRLF body-part
delimiter := CRLF dash-boundary
transport-padding := *LWSP-char
; Composers MUST NOT generate
; non-zero length transport
; padding, but receivers MUST
; be able to handle padding
; added by message transports.
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内