[Mew-dist 14547] 拙作の関数 for mew-1.95b70〜

NARA Susumu nara at example.com
2000年 10月 14日 (土) 21:29:41 JST



1. 送信時に文字数を表示します。i-mode や cmail への送信に便利だと思い

2. リプライ時に自分のアドレス(to や cc のフィールド)を見てコンフィグ
    を設定します。cc より to にあるフィールドが優先されます。どちらに


-------------- next part --------------
;; $Id: my-mew.el,v 1.1 2000/10/14 12:16:49 nara Exp $
;; Copyright (C) 2000 by NARA Susumu.
;; All rights reserved.
;; Report bugs to <support at example.com>

;; 1. 送信前に文字数を表示します。
;;     (add-hook 'mew-send-hook 'my-mew-send) 
;; 2. 複数のコンフィグを使用していて、どの自分宛てのアドレスかによっ
;;     て、コンフィグを切替ます。
;;     (setq my-mew-config-reply-from-list 
;;         '(("address1" . "config-name1")
;;           ("address2" . "config-name2"))) と設定した場合に
;;     address1 ならば config-name1 に
;;     address2 ならば config-name2 に設定します。
;;    また、キーマップを以下の様に置き換えて下さい。
;;    (add-hook 'mew-summary-mode-hook
;;              (function 
;;               (lambda ()
;;                 (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "a" 'my-mew-summary-reply)
;;                 (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "A" 
;;                                     'my-mew-summary-reply-with-citation))))

(defvar my-mew-config-reply-from-list nil)

(defun my-mew-summary-reply (&optional onlytofrom)
  (mew-summary-analyze-again t)
  (mew-summary-reply onlytofrom)

(defun my-mew-summary-reply-with-citation (&optional onlytofrom)
  (mew-summary-analyze-again t)
  (mew-summary-reply-with-citation onlytofrom)
  (if (eq (char-after) 10)
      (delete-char 1))

(defun my-mew-send ()
  "送信する前に文字数を表示します。i-mode, c-mail等に便利
usage: (add-hook 'mew-send-hook 'my-mew-send)"
    (let (start end mes)
      (run-hooks 'my-mew-send-hook)
      (setq start (point))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (setq end (point))
      (setq mes (count-lines-region start end))
      (if (y-or-n-p (format "%s" (concat mes " / Really send this message? ")))
          (setq mew-ask-send nil)
        (setq mew-ask-send t)))))
(defun my-mew-set-draft-position ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (re-search-forward "\\(^----$\\)" nil t)
      (if (match-beginning 1)
            (goto-char (match-end 1))
            ;;(next-line 1)
            (forward-char 1)))))

(defun my-member-compare (lsta lstb)
  "ex: (my-member-compre list-a list-b)"
  (catch 'found
        (if (member (car lsta) lstb)
            (throw 'found (car (member (car lsta) lstb)))
          (setq lsta (cdr lsta))))))

(defun my-mew-draft-set-auto-config ()
をチェックし、次に Cc: をチェックします。複数あった場合には先頭のみで

  (setq my-mew-config-reply-from-list 
      '((\"address1\" . \"config-name1\")
        (\"address2\" . \"config-name2\")))"
  (let (lst from to cc)
      (if (get-buffer "*Mew message*")
          (set-buffer "*Mew message*")
        (if (get-buffer "*Mew message*0")
            (set-buffer "*Mew message*0")))
      ;;(setq to (mew-header-parse-address mew-to:))
      ;;(setq cc (mew-header-parse-address mew-cc:))
      (setq lst (mapcar (function car) my-mew-config-reply-from-list))
      (setq to (my-member-compare
                (mew-header-parse-address-list2 mew-fromme-to-list) lst))
      (setq cc (my-member-compare
                (mew-header-parse-address-list2 mew-fromme-cc-list) lst)))
    (if to
        (setq from to)
      (if cc
          (setq from cc)))
    (if from
         (cdr (assoc from my-mew-config-reply-from-list)))
      ;;(mew-draft-set-config-with-arg "default")

(defun mew-draft-set-config-with-arg (config)
  "mew-draft-set-config のパラメータ版"
  (let ((old-config mew-draft-buffer-config))
    (setq mew-draft-buffer-config config)
;;	  (mew-input-config mew-config-output "This draft"))
    (mew-draft-mode-name mew-header-message)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let ((new-config mew-draft-buffer-config) ;; save length
	    from cc dcc)
	 ((re-search-forward "^Resent" (mew-header-end) t)
	  (setq from mew-resent-from:)
	  (setq cc   mew-resent-cc:)
	  (setq dcc  mew-resent-dcc:))
	  (setq from mew-from:)
	  (setq cc   mew-cc:)
	  (setq dcc  mew-dcc:)))
	(mew-header-replace-value from (mew-from new-config))
;;	(mew-header-replace-value cc   (mew-cc   new-config))
	(mew-header-replace-value dcc  (mew-dcc  new-config))
	(mew-header-replace-value mew-fcc:      (mew-fcc new-config))
	(mew-header-replace-value mew-reply-to: (mew-reply-to new-config))
	 (mapcar (function car) (mew-header-alist old-config)))
	 (mew-header-alist mew-draft-buffer-config))
	(if (null mew-header-message) (mew-draft-header-keymap)))

;; ends here

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内