[Mew-dist 14014] Re: [mew-int 00014] Re: Mew 1.95b56
gcwen at example.com
gcwen at example.com
2000年 9月 1日 (金) 09:38:07 JST
Good morning
kazu> You have to at least set the followings:
kazu> (setq mew-pop-server "your_POP_server")
kazu> (setq mew-pop-auth 'pass) ;; 'apop is the default.
Yes, I get it. So I will upgrade all my Mew to the latest
version soon. Anyway I should read your source code and
study Mew more.
Thank you very much for your great help.
P.S I am sorry that I have posted the same question two times.
The first message was sent in the morning yesterday. But
I don't know why I could not received the message from
our ML until last night.
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