[mew-dist 18482] Re: '(',')' 謎の動き
nin at example.com
2001年 8月 15日 (水) 01:13:15 JST
二宮 秀幸 は Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:15:53 +0900 (JST) 頃に
Subject: [mew-dist 18481] Re: '(',')' 謎の動き
Message-Id: <20010814.221552.71085276.nin at example.com>
れお> これ +inbox の話なんですが、ここでは頻繁に pack を行っていますデス
れお> 念のため scan all してみましたがやはり <nil> になってしまいます。
れお> どのへんの関数が怪しいとか suggestion いただけないでしょうか ?
れお> edebugger に食わして追っかけてみます
れお> # 自分で最初から追っかけてたら、mew-scan 全て読まなきゃ ^^;
mew-scan 読んでたら発見出来てしまいました。
ということで うちで <> になり、'(',')' が期待通りの動きをする為の
Index: mew-scan.el
RCS file: /tmp/am/da/cvs/mew/mew-scan.el,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -c -F(def -r1.35 mew-scan.el
*** mew-scan.el 2001/08/14 08:38:57 1.35
--- mew-scan.el 2001/08/14 15:56:02
*************** (defun mew-scan-get-line (mew-vec WIDTH
*** 231,237 ****
(let* ((TOTAL 0)
(line (mapconcat (function mew-scan-get-piece)
(mew-sinfo-get-scan-form) ""))
! (my-id "") (par-id "") fld msg ld first-irt onlyone start)
(if (string-match mew-regex-id (MEW-ID))
(setq my-id (mew-match 1 (MEW-ID))))
;; RFC 2822 says: the "In-Reply-To:" field may be used to identify
--- 231,237 ----
(let* ((TOTAL 0)
(line (mapconcat (function mew-scan-get-piece)
(mew-sinfo-get-scan-form) ""))
! (my-id "") (par-id "") (first-irt "") fld msg ld onlyone start)
(if (string-match mew-regex-id (MEW-ID))
(setq my-id (mew-match 1 (MEW-ID))))
;; RFC 2822 says: the "In-Reply-To:" field may be used to identify
Index: mew-thread.el
RCS file: /tmp/am/da/cvs/mew/mew-thread.el,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -c -F(def -r1.30 mew-thread.el
*** mew-thread.el 2001/08/11 09:23:12 1.30
--- mew-thread.el 2001/08/14 15:56:06
*************** (defun mew-summary-thread-sibling-up ()
*** 718,724 ****
(if (not (looking-at mew-regex-virtual-thread))
(message "No required info")
(setq key (format " <%s>\n" (mew-match 5)))
! (if (string= key "")
(message "No required info")
(if (search-backward key nil t)
--- 718,724 ----
(if (not (looking-at mew-regex-virtual-thread))
(message "No required info")
(setq key (format " <%s>\n" (mew-match 5)))
! (if (string= key " <>\n")
(message "No required info")
(if (search-backward key nil t)
*************** (defun mew-summary-thread-sibling-down (
*** 735,741 ****
(if (not (looking-at mew-regex-virtual-thread))
(message "No required info")
(setq key (format " <%s>\n" (mew-match 5)))
! (if (string= key "")
(message "No required info")
(if (search-forward key nil t)
--- 735,741 ----
(if (not (looking-at mew-regex-virtual-thread))
(message "No required info")
(setq key (format " <%s>\n" (mew-match 5)))
! (if (string= key " <>\n")
(message "No required info")
(if (search-forward key nil t)
いかがなもんでしょう ?
ICQ UIN:57442553 二宮 秀幸@愛媛 鬼北 広見町
PGP-Fingerprint: 6C59 EC08 5B23 6490 44D0 7CD3 DA40 219F 7114 8553
PGP-Public-Key: http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/~nin/pgp/public-key.txt
mailto:nin at example.com http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/~nin/index.html
mailto:nin at example.com http://home.jp.freebsd.org/~nin/index.html
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内