[Mew-dist 16633] Mew with w3m.el (was: w3m.el (rev. 1.29))
Shun-ichi GOTO
gotoh at example.com
2001年 2月 28日 (水) 04:21:59 JST
Cc: mew-dist します。
>>>>> at 26 Feb 2001 16:44:45 +0900
>>>>> 土 == TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya at example.com> said,
鈴木> Inline の方は w3-region() を使えればよいようです。
鈴木> ;; See: SEMI/mime-w3.el
土> とてもとても手抜きなコードですが、こんなのでとりあえず動くようです。
くやしいのでMewでもtext/html をw3m で表示できるようにしてみました。(^^;
土屋さんが提示したの w3m-regionを使わせていただきましたが、
Win32 だと、w3mは cygwinでして(vcもあるかな?)、その場合、
w3mに渡すlocal file名は c:/temp/foo.html などだとダメでして、
//c/temp/foo.html や /cygdrive/c/temp/foo.htmlと変換する必要があります。
w3m-region を追加するとともに若干の修正を加えました。
2001-02-28 Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh at example.com>
* w3m.el (w3m-executable-type): New variable.
(w3m-cygwin-path): New function.
(w3m-region): New function.
でもって、Mewで使うには添付の mew-w3m.elをどうぞ。
~/.mew などにて、
(require 'mew-w3m)
(setq mew-prog-html '(mew-mime-text/html-w3m nil nil))
(setq mew-use-w3m-minor-mode t)
(add-hook 'mew-message-hook 'mew-w3m-minor-mode-setter)
sample のちゃちいHTMLを添付しておきます。お試しあれ。
w3m.el は以下のアドレスから入手できるw3m パッケージに含まれています。
単体でも以下から入手できます。(rev. 1.33)
--- Regards,
Shun-ichi Goto <gotoh at example.com>
R&D Group, TAIYO Corp., Tokyo, JAPAN
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;; mew-w3m.el -- View Text/Html content with w3m in Mew
;; Copyright (c) 2001 Shun-ichi Goto.
;; Author: Shun-ichi GOTO <gotoh at example.com>
;; Created: Wed Feb 28 03:31:00 2001
;; Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
;; Keywords: Mew, mail, w3m, html
;;; Commentary:
;; This package is for viewing formatted (rendered) Text/Html content
;; in Mew's message buffer.
;;; Instalation:
;; Simply load this file and add followings in your ~/.mew file.
;; (require 'mew-w3m)
;; (setq mew-prog-html '(mew-mime-text/html-w3m nil nil))
;; And you can use keymap of w3m-mode as mew-w3m-minor-mode.
;; To activate this feaeture, add followings also:
;; (setq mew-use-w3m-minor-mode t)
;; (add-hook 'mew-message-hook 'mew-w3m-minor-mode-setter)
;;; Usage:
;; There's nothing special. Browse messages in usual way.
;; On viewing Text/Html file, rendered text is appeared in message
;; buffer instead of usual "HTML" banner.
;; C-c C-e operation is also allowed to view with external browser.
;; If mew-use-w3m-minor-mode is t, key operations of w3m-mode is
;; allowed (as minor-mode-map) and jump links in message buffer.
;; NOTE: This feature is not complete. You may confuse.
;;; Code:
(require 'mew)
(require 'w3m)
;;; initializer for mew
(defun mew-w3m-minor-mode-setter ()
"Check message buffer and activate mew-w3m-minor-mode."
(setq mew-w3m-minor-mode (and (get-text-property (point-min) 'w3m)
(defvar mew-use-w3m-minor-mode nil
"*Use w3m minor mode in message buffer.
When viewing Text/Html contents rendering with w3m, use `w3m-minor-mode'
and its keymap in message buffer.")
;; these are defined here.
;; It's not reasonable to merge into w3m.el, i think
(defvar mew-w3m-minor-mode nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'mew-w3m-minor-mode)
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist '(mew-w3m-minor-mode " w3m"))
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist (cons 'mew-w3m-minor-mode w3m-mode-map))
;; processing Text/Html contents with w3m.
(defun mew-mime-text/html-w3m (cache begin end &optional params execute)
"View Text/Html contents with w3m rendering output."
(if (or execute
(<= end begin))
(mew-mime-text/html cache begin end params execute)
(let ((file (format "%s.html" (mew-make-temp-name)))
charset wcs)
(setq charset (mew-syntax-get-param params "charset"))
(if charset
(setq wcs (mew-charset-to-cs charset))
(setq wcs mew-cs-text-for-write))
mew-cs-dummy wcs
(w3m-region (point)
(progn (insert-buffer-substring cache begin end)
(put-text-property (point-min) (1+ (point-min)) 'w3m t))))))
(provide 'mew-w3m)
;; mew-w3m.el ends here
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