[Mew-dist 15736] Re: profile
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2001年 1月 6日 (土) 12:10:04 JST
From: Tak Ota <Takaaki.Ota at example.com>
Subject: Re: [Mew-dist 15734] Re: profile
> (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
> と言われてしまいました。
すいません。以下を b94 オリジナルに当てて下さい。
Index: mew-func.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-func.el,v
retrieving revision 1.180
retrieving revision 1.184
diff -c -r1.180 -r1.184
*** mew-func.el 2001/01/04 14:37:35 1.180
--- mew-func.el 2001/01/06 03:08:47 1.184
*** 59,74 ****
(setq n (1+ n))))))
(defun mew-uniq-list (lst)
! "Distractively uniqfy elements of LST."
(let ((tmp lst))
(while tmp (setq tmp (setcdr tmp (delete (car tmp) (cdr tmp))))))
(defun mew-uniq-alist (alst)
"Distractively uniqfy elements of ALST."
! (let ((tmp alst))
! (while tmp (setq tmp (setcdr tmp (mew-delete (car (car tmp)) (cdr tmp))))))
! alst)
(defun mew-delete (key alist)
"Destructively delete elements whose first member is equal to key"
--- 59,87 ----
(setq n (1+ n))))))
(defun mew-uniq-list (lst)
! "Distractively uniqfy elements of LST.
! This is O(N^2). So, don't use this function with a large LST."
(let ((tmp lst))
(while tmp (setq tmp (setcdr tmp (delete (car tmp) (cdr tmp))))))
(defun mew-uniq-alist (alst)
"Distractively uniqfy elements of ALST."
! (let ((vec (make-vector 511 0))
! ent str ret)
! (while alst
! (setq ent (car alst))
! (setq str (car ent))
! (setq alst (cdr alst))
! (cond
! ((not (stringp str))
! (setq ret (cons ent ret)))
! ((intern-soft str vec)
! ())
! (t
! (setq ret (cons ent ret))
! (intern str vec))))
! (nreverse ret)))
(defun mew-delete (key alist)
"Destructively delete elements whose first member is equal to key"
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内