[mew-dist 18148] Re: 2.0 pre4

Shun-ichi TAHARA ( 田原 俊一 ) jado at example.com
2001年 7月 22日 (日) 22:19:51 JST

From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>
Message-Id: <20010722.125053.68557198.kazu at example.com>

> Mew 2.0 pre4 をリリースします。
> 	ftp://www.mew.org/pub/Mew/beta/mew-2.0pre4.tar.gz
> 報告された問題はすべて解決したつもりです。


Wrong type argument: listp, "This command can be used in Thread folder only"


先に mew-summary-refile-body を呼んで、その後に mew-thread-mark で
mew-thread-only がはねて、なおかつその結果が alist に突っ込まれている

田原 俊一   jado at example.com, shunichi_tahara at example.com
FingerPrint:  16 9E 70 3B 05 86 5D 08  B8 4C 47 3A E7 E9 8E D9
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
diff -rc mew-2.0pre4.orig/mew-thread.el mew-2.0pre4.temp/mew-thread.el
*** mew-2.0pre4.orig/mew-thread.el	Sat Jul 21 16:26:07 2001
--- mew-2.0pre4.temp/mew-thread.el	Sun Jul 22 22:10:07 2001
*** 518,526 ****
  (defun mew-thread-mark-refile ()
    "Put the 'o' mark on all messages of the current sub-thread."
!   (let ((folders (mew-summary-refile-body nil nil nil 'no-mark))
! 	(alist (mew-thread-mark mew-mark-refile)))
!     (mew-refile-set-from-alist alist folders)))
  (defun mew-refile-set-from-alist (alist folders)
    (let (ent fld msg msgs)
--- 518,527 ----
  (defun mew-thread-mark-refile ()
    "Put the 'o' mark on all messages of the current sub-thread."
!   (mew-thread-only
!    (let ((folders (mew-summary-refile-body nil nil nil 'no-mark))
! 	 (alist (mew-thread-mark mew-mark-refile)))
!      (mew-refile-set-from-alist alist folders))))
  (defun mew-refile-set-from-alist (alist folders)
    (let (ent fld msg msgs)

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