[Mew-dist 17680] mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list
Tatsuya Kinoshita
tats at example.com
2001年 6月 5日 (火) 00:54:25 JST
返信相手のヘッダに`Cc: foobar <>'というふうに空のアドレスがあっても、
-------------- next part --------------
This patch is written by Tatsuya Kinoshita. Copyright is disclaimed.
diff -cr mew/mew-header.el mew-tats20010605/mew-header.el
*** mew/mew-header.el Wed May 30 20:24:42 2001
--- mew-tats20010605/mew-header.el Mon Jun 4 23:57:17 2001
*** 311,321 ****
(setq rbeg i)
(while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
(setq i (1+ i)))
! (setq rend i) ;; note: to be used for substring, so not 1-.
! ;; should not be nested but easy to implement...
! (setq ret (cons (car (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list
! (substring str rbeg rend) sep t))
! ret)))
(while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) sep)))
(setq i (1+ i)))
(setq tmp-cnt 0)
--- 311,322 ----
(setq rbeg i)
(while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
(setq i (1+ i)))
! (when (> i rbeg)
! (setq rend i) ;; note: to be used for substring, so not 1-.
! ;; should not be nested but easy to implement...
! (setq ret (cons (car (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list
! (substring str rbeg rend) sep t))
! ret))))
(while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) sep)))
(setq i (1+ i)))
(setq tmp-cnt 0)
diff -cr mew/mew-config.el mew-tats20010605/mew-config.el
*** mew/mew-config.el Thu May 31 18:52:03 2001
--- mew-tats20010605/mew-config.el Mon Jun 4 23:58:19 2001
*** 352,366 ****
(mew-tinfo-set-case case))))
(defun mew-draft-add-case (dst src)
! (let (case-fold-search)
! (if (mew-case-default-p dst)
! src
! (if (> (length src) 0)
! (mew-join
! ","
! (nreverse
! (mew-uniq-list (nreverse (mew-split (concat dst "," src) ?,)))))
! dst))))
(provide 'mew-config)
--- 352,364 ----
(mew-tinfo-set-case case))))
(defun mew-draft-add-case (dst src)
! (if (mew-case-default-p dst)
! src
! (if (> (length src) 0)
! (mew-join
! "," (nreverse
! (mew-uniq-list (nreverse (mew-split (concat dst "," src) ?,)))))
! dst)))
(provide 'mew-config)
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内