[Mew-dist 17616] Re: mew-from
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2001年 5月 30日 (水) 19:40:09 JST
From: Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 17613] Re: mew-from
> パッチの意図は「mew-config-alistがnilでも、変数mew-nameが効くように
> する」というものです。
*.el のみの diff です。
Index: mew-config.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/mew/mew/mew-config.el,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -r1.15 mew-config.el
*** mew-config.el 2001/05/29 03:21:31 1.15
--- mew-config.el 2001/05/30 10:21:58
*** 99,105 ****
;; mew-from is really strange to maintain backword compatibility.
(defun mew-from (&optional case)
! (or (if mew-config-alist
(let ((name (mew-name case))
(addr (mew-mail-address case)))
(if (and name (string-match "[^ \t]" name))
--- 99,105 ----
;; mew-from is really strange to maintain backword compatibility.
(defun mew-from (&optional case)
! (or (if (or mew-config-alist mew-name)
(let ((name (mew-name case))
(addr (mew-mail-address case)))
(if (and name (string-match "[^ \t]" name))
Index: mew-vars.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/mew/mew/mew-vars.el,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -c -r1.22 mew-vars.el
*** mew-vars.el 2001/05/30 05:58:09 1.22
--- mew-vars.el 2001/05/30 10:21:59
*** 324,330 ****
"*Friendly name of e-mail address.
i.e. \"Friendly name <user at example.com>\"."
:group 'mew-basic
! :type 'string)
(defcustom mew-user (user-login-name)
"*User part of e-mail address."
--- 324,330 ----
"*Friendly name of e-mail address.
i.e. \"Friendly name <user at example.com>\"."
:group 'mew-basic
! :type '(choice string (const nil)))
(defcustom mew-user (user-login-name)
"*User part of e-mail address."
*** 1149,1155 ****
(defcustom mew-from nil
"*A value inserted into From: field in Draft mode if *non-nil*.
! See also 'mew-config-alist'."
:group 'mew-draft
:type '(choice string (const nil)))
--- 1149,1156 ----
(defcustom mew-from nil
"*A value inserted into From: field in Draft mode if *non-nil*.
! For backward-compatibility. See also 'mew-name', 'mew-user', and
! 'mew-mail-domain'."
:group 'mew-draft
:type '(choice string (const nil)))
Index: mew-vars2.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/mew/mew/mew-vars2.el,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -r1.15 mew-vars2.el
*** mew-vars2.el 2001/05/29 03:21:32 1.15
--- mew-vars2.el 2001/05/30 10:22:00
*** 851,857 ****
\"pop-size\", \"pop-body-lines\", \"pop-delete\",
\"inbox-folder\", \"queue-folder\",
\"mailbox-type\", \"mbox-command\", \"mbox-command-arg\",
! \"nntp-server\", \"signature-file\" .
from = name <user at example.com>
message-id = *random*.user at example.com
--- 851,857 ----
\"pop-size\", \"pop-body-lines\", \"pop-delete\",
\"inbox-folder\", \"queue-folder\",
\"mailbox-type\", \"mbox-command\", \"mbox-command-arg\",
! \"nntp-server\", \"signature-file\", \"content-type\" .
from = name <user at example.com>
message-id = *random*.user at example.com
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内