[mew-dist 22451] IM142

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
2002年 12月 7日 (土) 21:42:17 JST

IM142 has been released.


  * Apply unofficial patch, im-141+tats20021028.diff.
    (local security fix, Socket6 support, etc.)
  * Minor bug fix and doc fix.

IM141 and previous versions create temporary files insecurely.
I recommend that you upgrade your IM to IM142 (or 141+tats20021028).

Please see the "IM (Internet Message) Official Site"
(http://tats.iris.ne.jp/im/) for the latest news of IM.

(IM provides mail/news handling commands (imput, imget, ...) and Perl
modules.  They are designed to be used both from Mew version 1.x and
on command line.  Mew version 2.x and 3.x are independent of IM.)

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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