[mew-dist 22174] Re: summary sort(date)

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino itojun at example.com
2002年 11月 1日 (金) 04:25:11 JST

>> 以前に「JSTとだけしか書いてないメイルがわるい」
>> という話があったようにおもいます。
>> 「受信者は寛容に」の原則にしたがってないような気がしないでもないですが
>> 追加しだすとけっこうな量になるとおもうので
>> 「各自.mewに書いてね」というところでしょうか。
>また、JST だけ特別扱いするというポリシーは受け入れられません。

	ちなみに、1988以前はJSTはJerusalem Standard Timeという意味にも


# Israel

# From Ephraim Silverberg (2001-01-11):
# I coined "IST/IDT" circa 1988.  Until then there were three
# different abbreviations in use:
# JST  Jerusalem Standard Time [Danny Braniss, Hebrew University]
# IZT  Israel Zonal (sic) Time [Prof. Haim Papo, Technion]
# EEST Eastern Europe Standard Time [used by almost everyone else]
# Since timezones should be called by country and not capital cities,
# I ruled out JST.  As Israel is in Asia Minor and not Eastern Europe,
# EEST was equally unacceptable.  Since "zonal" was not compatible with
# any other timezone abbreviation, I felt that 'IST' was the way to go
# and, indeed, it has received almost universal acceptance in timezone
# settings in Israeli computers.
# In any case, I am happy to share timezone abbreviations with India,
# high on my favorite-country list (and not only because my wife's
# family is from India).

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