[mew-dist 22074] Re: using open(1) on MacOS X

Tomoaki NISHIYAMA tomoaki at example.com
2002年 10月 28日 (月) 18:50:30 JST

From: Hideyuki SHIRAI (白井秀行) <shirai at example.com>
Subject: [mew-dist 22070] Re: using open(1) on MacOS X
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 18:21:32 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <20021028.182132.20491448.shirai at example.com>

shirai> From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com> さん曰く
shirai> Subject: [mew-dist 22069] Re: using open(1) on MacOS X
shirai> Message-ID: <20021028.181456.50031816.kazu at example.com>
shirai> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 18:14:56 +0900 (JST)
shirai> > open(1) って、一体何をするコマンドなんでしょう? open(1) と同じ動作を
shirai> > する Elisp のプログラムを書く方が早いという予感がしています。
shirai> open(1) って file の 拡張子(^^;) か magic number を見て、お好み
shirai> のコマンドを立ち上げるもののような気がするので、
man openより
     The open command opens a file (or a directory or URL), just as if you had
     double-clicked the file's icon. If no application name is specified, the
     default application as determined via LaunchServices is used to open the
     specified files.
     -a application
              specifies the application to use for opening the file

     -e       causes the file to be opened with /Applications/TextEdit
% which open
Tomoaki Nishiyama
  e-mail:tomoaki at example.com
National Institute for Basic Biology

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