[mew-dist 23059] color X Face

弓岡 也守輝 (YUMIOKA Yasuteru) te-kun at example.com
2003年 2月 8日 (土) 14:44:31 JST


折角、Mew 自体で  X Face に対応されたのに申し訳ないのですが、




Mew version 3.1.50 までは 添付した color X Face (と呼ぶのか分かりませ
ん)も見えてたのですが、Mew version 3.1.51 からは私の X Face と同じ形式


Emacs 21.3.50 (2002/02/06 時点の CVS) を使ってます。

↓X Face 関連の ~/.mew です。


(cond ((featurep 'xemacs)
       ;; settings for XEmacs.
      ((eq emacs-major-version 21)
       ;; You may have no need to use the following one line if you
       ;; always use T-gnus 6.14.5 revision 07 and later.
       (autoload 'x-face-decode-message-header "x-face-e21")
       (autoload 'x-face-insert "x-face-e21" nil t)
       (autoload 'x-face-save "x-face-e21" nil t)
       (autoload 'x-face-show "x-face-e21" nil t)
       (autoload 'x-face-turn-off "x-face-e21")
       ;; Show X-Face images when `x-face-insert' is done.
       (setq x-face-auto-image t)
       ;; If you show X-Face images in the message sending buffer,
       ;; it is STRONGLY recommended that you remove images from the
       ;; buffer before sending a message.  However, it seems not to
       ;; be required for Gnusae so far.  The following lines are for
       ;; SEMI and Mew.  The latter can be put into .mew file instead.
       (add-hook 'mime-edit-translate-hook 'x-face-turn-off)
       (add-hook 'mew-make-message-hook 'x-face-turn-off))
       ;; settings for the other Emacsen.

;;[Mew] For your .mew file:

 (cond ((featurep 'xemacs)
       ((eq emacs-major-version 21)
        (setq mew-use-highlight-x-face t
 	     mew-use-highlight-x-face-function 'x-face-decode-message-header)
        (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "\C-x4s" 'x-face-save)
        (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'x-face-insert)
        (define-key mew-draft-header-map "\C-c\C-f" 'x-face-insert)
        (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\M-t" 'x-face-show)
        (define-key mew-draft-header-map "\M-t" 'x-face-show)
        ;; If a file name has no directory component, it should be
        ;; found in the directory which is specified by the option
        ;; `x-face-image-file-directory'.
        (setq x-face-default-xbm-file "myface.xbm")
        (setq x-face-image-file-directory "~/.x-faces")
        (setq x-face-image-file-directory-for-save "~/.x-faces")
        (setq x-face-compressor 'nil))

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送信者: Katsumi Yamaoka 
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サイズ: 986 バイト
URL:    <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20030208/420b0ba2/attachment.mht>
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送信者: Hideyuki SHIRAI 
件名:   無題
日付:   日付無し
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URL:    <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20030208/420b0ba2/attachment-0001.mht>
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山岡さん、白井さん、勝手に X Face 添付して ごめんなさい。

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