[mew-dist 22971] Re: Reply-To:, Followup-To:, ...

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
2003年 1月 22日 (水) 14:03:03 JST

From: Tomoharu Suzuki <suzuki at example.com>
Subject: [mew-dist 22970] Re: Reply-To:, Followup-To:, ...

> はい、その通りです。From: が自分自身の時だけはどんな文字列でも残っ
> てほしい、ということです。
> mew-reply-fromme-alist を変更して可能ならそれでも十分です。



Index: mew-summary3.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/mew/mew/mew-summary3.el,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -c -r1.20 mew-summary3.el
*** mew-summary3.el	2003/01/20 05:33:03	1.20
--- mew-summary3.el	2003/01/22 05:03:58
*** 103,118 ****
  (defun mew-to-cc-newsgroups (replysender)
!   (let (alist ent key tcn-flds tcn flds to cc newsgroups fromme)
!       (setq alist mew-reply-sender-alist))
       ((mew-is-my-address mew-regex-my-address-list
  			 (mew-header-parse-address mew-from:))
        (setq fromme t)
!       (setq alist mew-reply-fromme-alist))
       (t ;; reply all
!       (setq alist mew-reply-all-alist)))
      (catch 'loop
        (while alist
  	(setq ent (car alist))
--- 103,121 ----
  (defun mew-to-cc-newsgroups (replysender)
!   (let (alist ent key tcn-flds tcn flds to cc newsgroups fromme func)
!       (setq alist mew-reply-sender-alist)
!       (setq func 'mew-header-parse-address-list2))
       ((mew-is-my-address mew-regex-my-address-list
  			 (mew-header-parse-address mew-from:))
        (setq fromme t)
!       (setq alist mew-reply-fromme-alist)
!       (setq func 'mew-header-parse-address-list))
       (t ;; reply all
!       (setq alist mew-reply-all-alist)
!       (setq func 'mew-header-parse-address-list2)))
      (catch 'loop
        (while alist
  	(setq ent (car alist))
*** 131,141 ****
  	    (setq flds (cdr tcn-flds))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-to:)
! 	      (setq to (mew-header-parse-address-list2 flds)))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-cc:)
! 	      (setq cc (mew-header-parse-address-list2 flds)))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-newsgroups:)
! 	      (setq newsgroups (mew-header-parse-address-list2 flds)))))
  	  (throw 'loop nil))))
      (list to cc newsgroups fromme)))
--- 134,144 ----
  	    (setq flds (cdr tcn-flds))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-to:)
! 	      (setq to (funcall func flds)))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-cc:)
! 	      (setq cc (funcall func flds)))
  	     ((mew-case-equal tcn mew-newsgroups:)
! 	      (setq newsgroups (funcall func flds)))))
  	  (throw 'loop nil))))
      (list to cc newsgroups fromme)))

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内