[mew-dist 25842] customize type ignore

Hideyuki SHIRAI ( 白井秀行 ) shirai at example.com
2004年 12月 27日 (月) 12:53:17 JST

# コード精査中 :-)

すべての :type を見たわけではありませんが、
mew-summary-form-mark-delete, mew-summary-form-mark-review の
:type が間違っています。

白井秀行 (mailto:shirai at example.com)
--- mew-vars.el	13 Dec 2004 12:57:10 +0900	1.219
+++ mew-vars.el	27 Dec 2004 12:49:24 +0900	
@@ -1218,14 +1218,18 @@
 duplicated messages. If a character, use it as a mark
 instead of the 'D' mark."
   :group 'mew-summary
-  :type 'boolean)
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Use mew-mark-delete" t)
+		 (const :tag "Not use" nil)
+		 (character :tag "Use another character")))
 (defcustom mew-summary-form-mark-review nil
   "*If non-nil, the '*' mark automatically is put onto
 messages destined to me. If a character, use it as a mark
 instead of the '*' mark."
   :group 'mew-summary
-  :type 'boolean)
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Use mew-mark-review" t)
+		 (const :tag "Not use" nil)
+		 (character :tag "Use another character")))
 (defcustom mew-summary-form-size-0k nil
   "*If non-nil, the size of message is displayed as '0k'

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