[mew-dist 25108] patches for Mew 3

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
2004年 7月 13日 (火) 20:39:17 JST

Mew 3用にMew 4からのバックポートパッチを作りました。refile関連のバグ


-------------- next part --------------
Index: 00changes
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/00changes,v
retrieving revision 1.516.2.20
diff -u -r1.516.2.20 00changes
--- 00changes	12 May 2004 04:47:32 -0000	1.516.2.20
+++ 00changes	13 Jul 2004 11:24:24 -0000
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
 Mew 3.4
+* Checking windows-1251 instead of windows-1252.
+* Sort now uses a right range.
+* A bug fix for mew-summary-kill-subprocess.
+* A bug fix for mew-refile-guess-by-alist2.
+	Kyotaro HORIGUCHI <horiguti at example.com>
+* Workaround for mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list against Emacs 20.7's
+  bug.
+* Decoding Subject: for auto refile.
+	Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
+* Registering ISO-8859-8-I for Hebrew as a temporary solution. Numbers
+  are displayed in the reverse order but better than nothing.
+* Adding ".tbz".
+	TAKANO Yuji <takachan at example.com>
+* Checking expired public key for GnuPG.
+* The patch version of Emacs is removed for X-Mailer:.
+	Hiroshi Fujishima <pooh at example.com>
+	Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
+* Supporting the windows-125x coding system on Emacs current.
+* X-Mailer contains the third number of emacs-version.
 * A patch for mewl.
 	Shigeya Suzuki <shigeya at example.com>
 * incm handles a read-only file system.
Index: mew-const.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-const.el,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 mew-const.el
--- mew-const.el	17 Feb 2003 14:32:03 -0000	1.43
+++ mew-const.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:46 -0000
@@ -149,7 +149,8 @@
           (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) "XEmacs" "Emacs")
           (if (boundp 'emacs-program-version)
               (format " %s " emacs-program-version)
-	    (format " %d.%d " emacs-major-version emacs-minor-version))
+	    (string-match "^\\([.0-9]+\\)\\.[0-9]+$" emacs-version)
+	    (concat " " (match-string 1 emacs-version) " "))
           (and (boundp 'xemacs-codename)
 	       (string-match "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$" xemacs-codename)
 	       (concat "(" xemacs-codename ")"))
Index: mew-header.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-header.el,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 mew-header.el
--- mew-header.el	16 Jan 2003 11:03:30 -0000	1.19
+++ mew-header.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:47 -0000
@@ -266,96 +266,101 @@
        (throw 'max nil))))
 (defun mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list (str sep addrp &optional depth)
-  (let* ((i 0) (len (length str))
-	 (par-cnt 0) (tmp-cnt 0) (sep-cnt 0)
-	 (tmp (make-string len ?x))
-	 c ret)
-    (catch 'max
-      (while (< i len)
-	(setq c (aref str i))
-	(cond
-	 ((char-equal c ?\")
-	  (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-	  (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
-	  (setq i (1+ i))
-	  (catch 'quote
-	    (while (< i len)
-	      (setq c (aref str i))
-	      (cond
-	       ((char-equal c ?\")
-		(aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-		(setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
-		(throw 'quote nil))
-	       ((char-equal c ?\n)
-		(setq i (1+ i))
-		(catch 'fold-quote
-		  (while (< i len)
-		    (setq c (aref str i))
-		    (cond
-		     ;; ((or (char-equal c ?\t) (char-equal c 32))
-		     ;; (setq i (1+ i)))
-		     ((char-equal c ?\")
-		      (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-		      (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
-		      (throw 'quote nil))
-		     (t
-		      (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-		      (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
-		      (throw 'fold-quote nil))))))
-	       (t
-		(aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-		(setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))))
-	      (setq i (1+ i)))))
-	 ((char-equal c ?\()
-	  (setq par-cnt 1)
-	  (setq i (1+ i))
-	  (catch 'comment
-	    (while (< i len)
-	      (setq c (aref str i))
-	      (cond
-	       ((char-equal c ?\()
-		(setq par-cnt (1+ par-cnt)))
-	       ((char-equal c ?\))
-		(setq par-cnt (1- par-cnt))
-		(if (eq par-cnt 0) (throw 'comment nil))))
-	      (setq i (1+ i)))))
-	 ((char-equal c ?<)
+  (when str
+    (if (featurep 'mew-temacs)
+	(setq str (string-as-unibyte str))) ;; A bug of Emacs 20.7
+    (let* ((i 0) (len (length str))
+	   (par-cnt 0) (tmp-cnt 0) (sep-cnt 0)
+	   (tmp (make-string len ?x))
+	   c ret)
+      (catch 'max
+	(while (< i len)
+	  (setq c (aref str i))
-	   (addrp
-	    (let (rbeg rend)
-	      (setq i (1+ i))
-	      (setq rbeg i)
-	      (while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
+	   ((char-equal c ?\")
+	    (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+	    (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
+	    (setq i (1+ i))
+	    (catch 'quote
+	      (while (< i len)
+		(setq c (aref str i))
+		(cond
+		 ((char-equal c ?\")
+		  (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+		  (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
+		  (throw 'quote nil))
+		 ((char-equal c ?\n)
+		  (setq i (1+ i))
+		  (catch 'fold-quote
+		    (while (< i len)
+		      (setq c (aref str i))
+		      (cond
+		       ;; ((or (char-equal c ?\t) (char-equal c 32))
+		       ;; (setq i (1+ i)))
+		       ((char-equal c ?\")
+			(aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+			(setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
+			(throw 'quote nil))
+		       (t
+			(aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+			(setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))
+			(throw 'fold-quote nil))))))
+		 (t
+		  (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+		  (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt))))
+		(setq i (1+ i)))))
+	   ((char-equal c ?\()
+	    (setq par-cnt 1)
+	    (setq i (1+ i))
+	    (catch 'comment
+	      (while (< i len)
+		(setq c (aref str i))
+		(cond
+		 ((char-equal c ?\()
+		  (setq par-cnt (1+ par-cnt)))
+		 ((char-equal c ?\))
+		  (setq par-cnt (1- par-cnt))
+		  (if (eq par-cnt 0) (throw 'comment nil))))
+		(setq i (1+ i)))))
+	   ((char-equal c ?<)
+	    (cond
+	     (addrp
+	      (let (rbeg rend)
+		(setq i (1+ i))
+		(setq rbeg i)
+		(while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
+		  (setq i (1+ i)))
+		(when (> i rbeg)
+		  (setq rend i) ;; note: to be used for substring, so not 1-.
+		  ;; should not be nested but easy to implement...
+		  (setq ret (cons (car (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list
+					(substring str rbeg rend) sep t))
+				  ret))))
+	      (while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) sep)))
 		(setq i (1+ i)))
-	      (when (> i rbeg)
-		(setq rend i) ;; note: to be used for substring, so not 1-.
-		;; should not be nested but easy to implement...
-		(setq ret (cons (car (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list
-				      (substring str rbeg rend) sep t))
-				ret))))
-	    (while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) sep)))
-	      (setq i (1+ i)))
+	      (setq tmp-cnt 0)
+	      (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list-check-depth depth))
+	     (t
+	      ;; just ignore
+	      (while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
+		(setq i (1+ i))))))
+	   ((char-equal c ?\n))
+	   ((char-equal c ?\t))
+	   ((char-equal c 32))
+	   ((char-equal c sep)
+	    (if (> tmp-cnt 0)
+		(setq ret (cons (substring tmp 0 tmp-cnt) ret)))
 	    (setq tmp-cnt 0)
 	    (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list-check-depth depth))
-	   (t
-	    ;; just ignore
-	    (while (and (< i len) (not (char-equal (aref str i) ?>)))
-	      (setq i (1+ i))))))
-	 ((char-equal c ?\n))
-	 ((char-equal c ?\t))
-	 ((char-equal c 32))
-	 ((char-equal c sep)
-	  (if (> tmp-cnt 0)
-	      (setq ret (cons (substring tmp 0 tmp-cnt) ret)))
-	  (setq tmp-cnt 0)
-	  (mew-addrstr-parse-syntax-list-check-depth depth))
-	 (t 
-	  (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
-	  (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt)))) ;; end of cond
-	(setq i (1+ i))) ;; end of while
-      (if (> tmp-cnt 0)
-	  (setq ret (cons (substring tmp 0 tmp-cnt) ret)))) ;; end of catch
-    (nreverse ret)))
+	   (t 
+	    (aset tmp tmp-cnt c)
+	    (setq tmp-cnt (1+ tmp-cnt)))) ;; end of cond
+	  (setq i (1+ i))) ;; end of while
+	(if (> tmp-cnt 0)
+	    (setq ret (cons (substring tmp 0 tmp-cnt) ret)))) ;; end of catch
+      (if (featurep 'mew-temacs)
+	  (mapcar 'string-as-multibyte (nreverse ret)) ;; A bug of Emacs 20.7
+	(nreverse ret)))))
Index: mew-mule3.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-mule3.el,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 mew-mule3.el
--- mew-mule3.el	16 Jan 2003 11:03:31 -0000	1.31
+++ mew-mule3.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:47 -0000
@@ -131,46 +131,58 @@
     (define-coding-system-alias 'chinese-big5 'big5))
 (defvar mew-cs-database-for-decoding
-  '(("us-ascii"        . nil)
-    ("iso-8859-1"      . iso-8859-1)
-    ("iso-8859-2"      . iso-8859-2)
-    ("iso-8859-3"      . iso-8859-3)
-    ("iso-8859-4"      . iso-8859-4)
-    ("iso-8859-5"      . iso-8859-5)
-    ("iso-8859-6"      . iso-8859-6)
-    ("iso-8859-7"      . iso-8859-7)
-    ("iso-8859-8"      . iso-8859-8)
-    ("iso-8859-9"      . iso-8859-9)
-    ("iso-8859-15"     . iso-8859-15)
-    ("iso-2022-cn"     . iso-2022-cn)
-    ("iso-2022-cn-ext" . iso-2022-cn-ext)
-    ("gb2312"          . cn-gb-2312) ;; should be before cn-gb
-    ("cn-gb"           . cn-gb-2312)
-    ("hz-gb-2312"      . hz-gb-2312)
-    ("big5"            . chinese-big5)
-    ("cn-big5"         . chinese-big5)
-    ("iso-2022-kr"     . iso-2022-kr)
-    ("euc-kr"          . euc-kr)
-    ("ks_c_5601-1987"  . euc-kr)
-    ("iso-2022-jp"     . iso-2022-jp)
-    ("iso-2022-jp-2"   . iso-2022-jp-2)
-    ("iso-2022-jp-3"   . iso-2022-jp-3)
-    ("euc-jp"          . euc-japan)
-    ("shift_jis"       . shift_jis)
-    ("koi8-r"          . koi8-r)
-    ("windows-1250"    . cp1250)
-    ("windows-1251"    . cp1251)
-    ("windows-1252"    . cp1252)
-    ("windows-1253"    . cp1253)
-    ("windows-1254"    . cp1254)
-    ("windows-1255"    . cp1255)
-    ("windows-1256"    . cp1256)
-    ("windows-1257"    . cp1257)
-    ("windows-1258"    . cp1258)
-    ("tis-620"         . tis-620)
-    ("iso-2022-int-1"  . iso-2022-int-1)
-    ("utf-7"           . utf-7)
-    ("utf-8"           . utf-8)))
+  `(("us-ascii"          . nil)
+    ("iso-8859-1"        . iso-8859-1)
+    ("iso-8859-2"        . iso-8859-2)
+    ("iso-8859-3"        . iso-8859-3)
+    ("iso-8859-4"        . iso-8859-4)
+    ("iso-8859-5"        . iso-8859-5)
+    ("iso-8859-6"        . iso-8859-6)
+    ("iso-8859-7"        . iso-8859-7)
+    ("iso-8859-8"        . iso-8859-8)
+    ("iso-8859-8-i"      . iso-8859-8) ;; temporary solution
+    ("iso-8859-9"        . iso-8859-9)
+    ("iso-8859-15"       . iso-8859-15)
+    ("iso-2022-cn"       . iso-2022-cn)
+    ("iso-2022-cn-ext"   . iso-2022-cn-ext)
+    ("gb2312"            . cn-gb-2312) ;; should be before cn-gb
+    ("cn-gb"             . cn-gb-2312)
+    ("hz-gb-2312"        . hz-gb-2312)
+    ("big5"              . chinese-big5)
+    ("cn-big5"           . chinese-big5)
+    ("iso-2022-kr"       . iso-2022-kr)
+    ("euc-kr"            . euc-kr)
+    ("ks_c_5601-1987"    . euc-kr)
+    ("iso-2022-jp"       . iso-2022-jp)
+    ("iso-2022-jp-2"     . iso-2022-jp-2)
+    ("iso-2022-jp-3"     . iso-2022-jp-3)
+    ("euc-jp"            . euc-japan)
+    ("shift_jis"         . shift_jis)
+    ("tis-620"           . tis-620)
+    ("koi8-r"            . koi8-r)
+    ("iso-2022-int-1"    . iso-2022-int-1)
+    ("utf-7"             . utf-7)
+    ("unicode-1-1-utf-7" . utf-7) ;; the old UTF-7 name, RFC 1642
+    ("utf-8"             . utf-8)
+    ,@(if (mew-coding-system-p 'windows-1251)
+	  '(("windows-1250" . windows-1250)
+	    ("windows-1251" . windows-1251)
+	    ("windows-1252" . windows-1252)
+	    ("windows-1253" . windows-1253)
+	    ("windows-1254" . windows-1254)
+	    ("windows-1255" . windows-1255)
+	    ("windows-1256" . windows-1256)
+	    ("windows-1257" . windows-1257)
+	    ("windows-1258" . windows-1258))
+	'(("windows-1250" . cp1250)
+	  ("windows-1251" . cp1251)
+	  ("windows-1252" . cp1252)
+	  ("windows-1253" . cp1253)
+	  ("windows-1254" . cp1254)
+	  ("windows-1255" . cp1255)
+	  ("windows-1256" . cp1256)
+	  ("windows-1257" . cp1257)
+	  ("windows-1258" . cp1258)))))
 ;; CS
Index: mew-pgp.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-pgp.el,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.42.2.1 mew-pgp.el
--- mew-pgp.el	19 Jun 2003 05:58:14 -0000
+++ mew-pgp.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:49 -0000
@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@
     "public key matching"
     "public key not found"))
+(defconst mew-pgp-msg-pubkey-expired
+  '("xxx"
+    "xxx"
+    "xxx"
+    "encryption failed: unusable public key"))
 (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-validkey
     "^WARNING:[ -9;-~\n]+belongs? to:"
@@ -214,6 +220,7 @@
 (defvar mew-pgp-result-pubring  "No public keyring.")
 (defvar mew-pgp-result-secring  "No secret keyring.")
 (defvar mew-pgp-result-pubkey   "No his/her public key.")
+(defvar mew-pgp-result-expired  "His/her public key is expired")
 (defvar mew-pgp-result-invalid
   "His/her public key is invalid. Sign the key by yourself, first.")
 (defvar mew-pgp-result-seckey   "No your secret key.")
@@ -404,7 +411,10 @@
           (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubkey)
         (goto-char (point-min))
         (if (search-forward (mew-pgp-get mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring) nil t)
-            (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubring))))
+            (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubring)
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (if (search-forward (mew-pgp-get mew-pgp-msg-pubkey-expired) nil t)
+	      (setq ret mew-pgp-result-expired)))))
 (defun mew-pgp-encrypt (file1 decrypters)
Index: mew-refile.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-refile.el,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.67.2.1 mew-refile.el
--- mew-refile.el	16 Jun 2003 14:32:31 -0000
+++ mew-refile.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:51 -0000
@@ -248,13 +248,15 @@
     (string-match regex string)
     (setq match (cdr (cdr (match-data))))
     (while match
-      (setq str (substring string (car match) (car (cdr match))))
+      (setq str nil)
+      (if (car match)
+	  (setq str (substring string (car match) (car (cdr match)))))
       (setq strs (cons str strs))
       (setq match (cdr (cdr match))))
     (setq strs (cons nil (nreverse strs))) ;; cons nil for 0th
     (while (string-match "\\\\\\([1-9]\\)" template)
       (setq repl (nth (string-to-int (match-string 1 template)) strs))
-      (setq template (replace-match repl nil nil template)))
+      (setq template (replace-match (or repl "") nil nil template)))
@@ -577,6 +579,16 @@
     (if report (mew-summary-refile-report) (mew-summary-refile-body))))))
+(defun mew-refile-decode-subject ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (if (and (re-search-forward (concat "^$\\|^" mew-subj:) nil t)
+	     (not (looking-at "^$")))
+	(let ((med (point)))
+	  (forward-line)
+	  (mew-header-goto-next)
+	  (mew-header-decode-region mew-subj: med (point))))))
 (defun mew-summary-refile-body (&optional exp-flds auto no-msg no-mark exfld)
   (let (msg folder folders cur-folders mark
 	    buf learn-info fld tmp delbuf invalidp)
@@ -605,15 +617,9 @@
 	      (setq delbuf t)
 	      (set-buffer buf)
-	      (mew-insert-message fld msg mew-cs-autoconv
-				  mew-header-reasonable-size)
-	      (goto-char (point-min))
-	      (if (and (re-search-forward (concat "^$\\|^" mew-subj:) nil t)
-		       (not (looking-at "^$")))
-		  (let ((med (point)))
-		    (forward-line)
-		    (mew-header-goto-next)
-		    (mew-header-decode-region mew-subj: med (point)))))
+	      (mew-insert-message
+	       fld msg mew-cs-text-for-read mew-header-reasonable-size)
+	      (mew-refile-decode-subject))
 	  ;; need to make a cache or a message buffer.
 	  (mew-summary-display nil)
 	  ;; mew-cache-hit should be first since we want to get 
@@ -667,10 +673,11 @@
-      (mew-insert-message fld msg mew-cs-autoconv
-			  mew-header-reasonable-size)
+      (mew-insert-message
+       fld msg mew-cs-text-for-read mew-header-reasonable-size)
       (mew-sinfo-set-case case)
       (mew-sinfo-set-proto proto)
+      (mew-refile-decode-subject)
       (setq guess (mew-refile-guess nil t)))
     (mew-window-configure 'message)
     ;; message buffer
Index: mew-sort.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-sort.el,v
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -r1.60 mew-sort.el
--- mew-sort.el	16 Jan 2003 11:03:32 -0000	1.60
+++ mew-sort.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:51 -0000
@@ -179,22 +179,24 @@
     ;; Determining range
-    (if (null arg)
-	(setq range mew-range-all)
-      (let ((region (mew-summary-get-region))
-	    rbeg rend)
-	(setq beg (car region))
-	(setq end (cdr region))
-	(if (= beg end) (error "No region"))
-	(goto-char beg)
-	(setq rbeg (mew-summary-message-number))
-	(goto-char end)
-	(forward-line -1)
-	(setq rend (mew-summary-message-number))
-	(forward-line)
-	(if (and rbeg rend)
-	    (setq range (concat rbeg "-" rend))
-	  (error "No region"))))
+    (let (region rbeg rend)
+      (if arg
+	  (progn
+	    (setq region (mew-summary-get-region))
+	    (setq beg (car region))
+	    (setq end (cdr region))
+	    (if (= beg end) (error "No region")))
+	(setq beg (point-min))
+	(setq end (point-max)))
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (setq rbeg (mew-summary-message-number))
+      (goto-char end)
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (setq rend (mew-summary-message-number))
+      (forward-line)
+      (if (and rbeg rend)
+	  (setq range (concat rbeg "-" rend))
+	(error "No region")))
     ;; Asking a sort key after range
Index: mew-vars2.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-vars2.el,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.95.2.3 mew-vars2.el
--- mew-vars2.el	23 Jun 2003 06:56:27 -0000
+++ mew-vars2.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:53 -0000
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
     ("application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys3" "\\.oa3$" mew-b64
      mew-prog-oasys                  mew-icon-text)
-     "\\.tar$\\|\\.tar\\.\\|\\.gz$\\|\\.Z$\\|\\.taz$\\|\\.tgz$\\|\\.bz2?$\\|\\.lzh$\\|\\.zip$\\|\\.bin$\\|\\.pgp$\\|\\.gpg$\\|\\.exe$\\|\\.dll$"
+     "\\.tar$\\|\\.tar\\.\\|\\.gz$\\|\\.Z$\\|\\.taz$\\|\\.tgz$\\|\\.tbz$\\|\\.bz2?$\\|\\.lzh$\\|\\.zip$\\|\\.bin$\\|\\.pgp$\\|\\.gpg$\\|\\.exe$\\|\\.dll$"
       mew-b64 mew-prog-octet-stream mew-icon-application/octet-stream)
     ("text/html"     "\\.html?$" nil     mew-prog-html      mew-icon-text)
Index: mew.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew.el,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.176.2.6 mew.el
--- mew.el	24 Jul 2003 08:22:43 -0000
+++ mew.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:54 -0000
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
 	  (set-buffer buf)
 	  (when (mew-summary-or-virtual-p)
-	    (mew-summary-kill-subprocess 'no-msg)
+	    (mew-summary-kill-subprocess)
 	    (setq obuf (mew-local-buffer-name folder))
 	    ;; xxx should kill pop's buffer...
 	    (mew-remove-buffer obuf))
Index: contrib/mew-refile-view.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/contrib/mew-refile-view.el,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 mew-refile-view.el
--- contrib/mew-refile-view.el	27 Mar 2002 03:17:09 -0000	1.6
+++ contrib/mew-refile-view.el	13 Jul 2004 11:20:55 -0000
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 ;; -> mew-vars ?
 (defconst mew-refile-view-folder-regex "^[*+=]")
-(defvar original-folder nil)
+(defvar mew-original-folder nil)
 (defun mew-assoc-add (key alist mem)
   (append (list (append (or (assoc key alist) (list key)) (list mem)))
@@ -202,21 +202,21 @@
       (setq num (if (looking-at mew-regex-msg)
 		    (match-string 1))))
-    (if (not (and original-folder (get-buffer original-folder)))
+    (if (not (and mew-original-folder (get-buffer mew-original-folder)))
-	  (message "No Summary buffer for %s" original-folder)
+	  (message "No Summary buffer for %s" mew-original-folder)
-      (if (get-buffer-window original-folder)
-	  (select-window (get-buffer-window original-folder))
-	(mew-summary-switch-to-folder original-folder))
+      (if (get-buffer-window mew-original-folder)
+	  (select-window (get-buffer-window mew-original-folder))
+	(mew-summary-switch-to-folder mew-original-folder))
       (if num (mew-summary-jump-message num))
 (defun mew-refile-view-again ()
-  (if (not (and original-folder (get-buffer original-folder)))
-      (message "No Summary buffer for %s" original-folder)
-    (set-buffer original-folder)
+  (if (not (and mew-original-folder (get-buffer mew-original-folder)))
+      (message "No Summary buffer for %s" mew-original-folder)
+    (set-buffer mew-original-folder)
 (defun mew-refile-view-quit ()
@@ -271,12 +271,12 @@
 (defun mew-refile-view-exec ()
-  (if (not (and original-folder (get-buffer original-folder)))
-      (message "No Summary buffer for %s" original-folder)
+  (if (not (and mew-original-folder (get-buffer mew-original-folder)))
+      (message "No Summary buffer for %s" mew-original-folder)
     (if (or (not mew-refile-view-exec-confirm)
 	    ;; or yes-or-no-p?
 	    (y-or-n-p "Execute refiling for these messages? "))
-	(let ((fld original-folder)
+	(let ((fld mew-original-folder)
 	    (if (save-excursion
@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@
   (setq selective-display t)
   (setq selective-display-ellipses nil)
   (setq truncate-lines t)
-  (make-local-variable 'original-folder)
-  (setq original-folder folder)
+  (make-local-variable 'mew-original-folder)
+  (setq mew-original-folder folder)
   (mew-buffers-setup (buffer-name))
   (run-hooks 'mew-refile-view-mode-hook))
Index: info/mew.info-2
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/info/mew.info-2,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.49.2.3 mew.info-2
--- info/mew.info-2	19 Jun 2003 05:58:17 -0000
+++ info/mew.info-2	13 Jul 2004 11:20:58 -0000
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
 just going to the folder B, without retrieval form the IMAP server.
 Mew implements delayed jobs processing and viewing refiled messages
-without retrieval. If you want to process marks off-line, type {lx}.
+without retrieval. If you want to process marks off-line, type `lx'.
 `lx' carries out the following jobs.
   1. Deleting messages marked with `o' and/or `D' from folder A.
Index: info/mew.texi
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/info/mew.texi,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.157.2.4 mew.texi
--- info/mew.texi	19 Jun 2003 05:58:18 -0000
+++ info/mew.texi	13 Jul 2004 11:21:15 -0000
@@ -6960,7 +6960,7 @@
 @end ifset
 @ifset us
 Mew implements delayed jobs processing and viewing refiled messages
-without retrieval. If you want to process marks off-line, type {lx}.
+without retrieval. If you want to process marks off-line, type @samp{lx}.
 @samp{lx} carries out the following jobs.
 @end ifset

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