[mew-dist 26176] domain authentication

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
2005年 4月 5日 (火) 12:36:55 JST

Hello all,

As anti-spam technologies, domain authentications (including SPF,
Sender ID, DomainKeys) are now coming. As an evangelist of these
technologies, I have supported them on Mew.

I don't know how many people can authenticate e-mail's domain at this
momemnt but Mew now highlights results of domain verification. For
example, if your receiving MTA verifys DomainKeys, it puts the
DomainKey-Status: filed onto the header.

	DomainKey-Status: bad

If the result is "bad", Mew changes the string to "red".
"softfail"/"fail" of SPF/Sender ID also have the same manner so that
you can quickly recognize resutls.


To accept the PRA(Purported Responsible Address) of Sender ID, Mew now
displays Sender: and Resent-Sender:. Note that PRA is an address to be
extracted from Resent-Sender:, Resent-From:, Sender:, and From: in


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