[mew-dist 28372] "&" -- mew-summary-thread-child()
KOIE Hidetaka ( 鯉江英隆 )
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2008年 4月 30日 (水) 12:42:02 JST
KOIE Hidetaka <hide at example.com>
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Index: mew-thread.el
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/mew-thread.el,v
retrieving revision 1.146
diff -c -F^( -r1.146 mew-thread.el
*** mew-thread.el 19 Mar 2008 09:14:00 -0000 1.146
--- mew-thread.el 30 Apr 2008 03:33:34 -0000
*************** (defun mew-summary-thread-child ()
*** 746,765 ****
(let ((pos (point))
! (my-id (mew-summary-my-id))
! key)
! (if (or (null my-id) (string= my-id ""))
! (message "No child")
! (setq key (mew-regex-sumsyn-par-id my-id))
! (if (or (re-search-forward key nil t)
! (re-search-backward key nil t))
! (progn
! (mew-thread-move-cursor)
! (mew-summary-display)
! (message "Child found"))
! (goto-char pos)
! (message "Child not found")))))
(defun mew-summary-thread-sibling-up ()
"Search backward by one sibling message of the current message."
--- 746,799 ----
+ (let ((my-id (mew-summary-my-id)) result)
+ (cond
+ ((or (null my-id) (string= my-id ""))
+ (message "No child"))
+ ((mew-summary-thread-child-local my-id)
+ (message "Child found"))
+ ((and (y-or-n-p "No child in this folder. Find in others? ")
+ (setq result (mew-summary-thread-child-global my-id)))
+ (if (eq result t)
+ (message "Child found")
+ (message "%s" result)))
+ (t
+ (message "Child not found")))))
+ (defun mew-summary-thread-child-local (my-id)
(let ((pos (point))
! (key (mew-regex-sumsyn-par-id my-id)))
! (if (or (re-search-forward key nil t)
! (re-search-backward key nil t))
! (progn
! (mew-thread-move-cursor)
! (mew-summary-display)
! t)
! (goto-char pos)
! nil)))
! (defun mew-summary-thread-child-global (my-id)
! (mew-msgid-check
! (let ((db (mew-expand-file "+" mew-id-db-file))
! (regex (format "\\(.*\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)\\(%s\\)?$" (regexp-quote mew-suffix)))
! path msg folder)
! (with-temp-buffer
! (mew-piolet mew-cs-text-for-read mew-cs-text-for-write
! (call-process mew-prog-smew nil t nil "-c" db my-id "")
! (goto-char (point-min))
! (when (looking-at regex)
! (setq path (mew-match-string 1))
! (setq msg (mew-match-string 2)))))
! (if (not msg)
! nil
! (setq folder (mew-folder-path-to-folder path))
! (when folder
! (mew-summary-visit-folder folder nil 'no-ls)
! (if (mew-summary-search-msg msg)
! (progn
! (mew-summary-display)
! t)
! "Child not found. Scan 'update would be necessary"))))))
(defun mew-summary-thread-sibling-up ()
"Search backward by one sibling message of the current message."
Index: bin/smew
RCS file: /cvsmew/mew/bin/smew,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -F^( -r1.5 smew
*** bin/smew 12 Mar 2008 08:34:36 -0000 1.5
--- bin/smew 30 Apr 2008 03:33:34 -0000
*** 97,102 ****
--- 97,108 ----
+ def search_child(hash, db, myid, mydir)
+ parents = select_by_parid(hash, db, [myid], mydir)
+ exit unless parents != []
+ return parents[0]
+ end
## Main
*** 108,113 ****
--- 114,120 ----
OptionParser.new {|opt|
opt.on('-p', 'search a parent message only') {|v| opts[:p] = v }
+ opt.on('-c', 'search a child message only') {|v| opts[:c] = v }
rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e
puts opt
*** 127,132 ****
--- 134,142 ----
if opts[:p]
my = search_me(hash, db, myid, mydir)
puts my['path'];
+ elsif opts[:c]
+ my = search_child(hash, db, myid, mydir)
+ puts my['path'];
my = search_me(hash, db, myid, mydir)
search_ancestors(hash, db, my['parid'], mydir)
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