[mew-dist 28750] Re: 行頭のスペースが削除されることがある
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2008年 12月 5日 (金) 10:47:19 JST
> ところで、mew-use-format-flowedについては、現状の動作が不安定という
> だけでなく、うまく運用できるのか、ユーザーが驚く・意図に反する動作に
> ならないかどうか、疑問に思っています。
不安定なのは、仕様のバグではなく、Mew のバグなので、時間とともに安定す
うまく運用できるかという疑問の答えは、添付した RFC 3676 に載っています
> 参加者全員がformat=flowed対応メーラーでformat=flowedを意識した改行・
> 引用方法を使うならうまくいきそうですが、かなり限定的だと思います。
いえ、format=flowed は、対応していないメールリーダとの互換性を一番に考
> mew-use-format-flowedのデフォルト値はnilにしておいて、そういう相手の
> ときだけcaseによって設定可能、としてはどうでしょうか。
mew-use-format-flowed を t としているのは、せっかく引用の標準が策定され
5. Interoperability
Because flowed lines are all-but-indistinguishable from fixed lines,
software which does not recognize Format=Flowed treats flowed lines
as normal Text/Plain (which is what they are). Thus, Format=Flowed
interoperates with older clients, although flowed lines will have
trailing white space inserted.
If a space-stuffed message is received by an agent which handles
Format=Flowed, the space-stuffing is reversed and thus the message
appears unchanged. An agent which is not aware of Format=Flowed will
of course not undo any space-stuffing; thus Format=Flowed messages
may appear with a leading space on some lines (those which start with
a space, ">" which is not a quote indicator, or "From "). Since
lines which require space-stuffing rarely occur, and the aesthetic
consequences of unreversed space-stuffing are minimal, this is not
expected to be a significant problem.
If some lines begin with one or more spaces, the generating agent MAY
space-stuff all lines, to maintain the relative indentation of the
lines when viewed by clients which are not aware of Format=Flowed.
Messages generated with DelSp=yes and received by clients which are
aware of Format=Flowed but are not aware of the DelSp parameter will
have an extra space remaining after removal of soft line breaks.
Thus, when generating text in languages/coded character sets in which
spaces are common, the generating agent MAY always use the DelSp=no
Hand-aligned text, such as ASCII tables or art, source code, etc.,
SHOULD be sent as fixed, not flowed lines.
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内