[mew-dist 28057] Re: [mew-int 2430] Mew version 5.2.53

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
2008年 2月 14日 (木) 12:04:00 JST


> is there some special way to install? i am not a big unix hacker, but
> i typed all the instuctions in 00readme and the commands said
> everything is good. there were no error messages afaik. however, my
> mew is still the old one (5.2.22).

"make install" should override the old one.

Where do you install Mew? /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mew?
If you find 5.2.22 there, please remove the entire directory and
do "make install" again.

Don't forget quit Emacs and execute it again.


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