[mew-int 00433] Adding signature when replying to message

Reuben Thomas rrt at example.com
Wed Aug 29 18:46:19 JST 2001

I have the mew-draft-mode-newdraft-hook set to
mew-draft-insert-signature. I have set up mew-draft-insert-signature
so that it inserts the signature always at the bottom of the message.

But when I reply to a message with citation (A in summary mode), the
signature is *above* the citation. Looking at
mew-summary-reply-with-citation in mew-summary.el, I can see why:
mew-draft-mode-hook is run before the citation is placed. Worse than
that, I cannot see any hook that is run *after* the citation is made.

Is there a way to get what I want (my signature always at the end of
the message, after the citation)?

http://sc3d.org/rrt/ | The only person worth beating is yourself

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