[mew-int 00447] Re: delete direction in summary mode

David S. Miller davem at example.com
Fri Aug 31 08:12:13 JST 2001

   From: Kazu.Yamamoto at example.com (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>)
   Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:42:54 +0900 (JST)

   From: "David S. Miller" <davem at example.com>
   Subject: [mew-int 00423] delete direction in summary mode
   > This is very different from how RMIAL and VM behave, and it was
   > totally unexpected.  I have lost very many emails by accident because
   > I expected the cursor to move down when I delete an email.
   See the document of mew-summary-show-direction.

I have added the following to my .emacs file:

(setq mew-summary-show-direction 'down)

Yet it still behaves the same, in summary mode if I move up, then
delete, it then moves up once more.  I want it to move down after a
delete, always, no matter what my previous move direction was.

David S. Miller
davem at example.com

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