[mew-int 00832] Re: How to add some more charsets to mew?

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
Sun Apr 14 23:55:32 JST 2002

In message [mew-int 00831], on Sat, 13 Apr 2002,
Simon Vostry <vostry at example.com> wrote:

> I have a following issue with mail reading. I receive a lot of e-mail
> in the encoding windows-1250 (which is a central European encoding,
> produced mainly by MS mail agents).
> >Charset (windows-1250) for body is not supported.

Put (codepage-setup 1250) on your ~/.emacs, and apply this patch:

--- mew-2.2.orig/mew-mule3.el	Thu Feb 21 11:58:40 2002
+++ mew-2.2/mew-mule3.el	Sun Apr 14 23:36:32 2002
@@ -110,6 +110,15 @@
     ("euc-jp"          . euc-japan)
     ("shift_jis"       . shift_jis)
     ("koi8-r"          . koi8-r)
+    ("windows-1250"    . cp1250)
+    ("windows-1251"    . cp1251)
+    ("windows-1252"    . cp1252)
+    ("windows-1253"    . cp1253)
+    ("windows-1254"    . cp1254)
+    ("windows-1255"    . cp1255)
+    ("windows-1256"    . cp1256)
+    ("windows-1257"    . cp1257)
+    ("windows-1258"    . cp1258)
     ("tis-620"         . tis-620)
     ("iso-2022-int-1"  . iso-2022-int-1)
     ("utf-7"           . utf-7)

On GNU Emacs 20.7/21.2, cp1250/cp1251/cp1253/cp1257 are supported.

> >Charset (utf-8) for body is not supported.
> I would like to install "additional charsets" so I can also read mails
> in utf-8. Is it an issue of mew or emacs?

Install Mule-UCS:


If a mail uses invalid charset, use `C-c C-l' or `C-u C-c C-l' to
read it.


On GNU Emacs 21.2, Mule-UCS 0.84 is very slow.  Debian's mule-ucs
0.84-11 has fixed this problem.  Debian's mule-ucs is available at:


Tatsuya Kinoshita

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