[mew-int 00756] Re: iso-8859-15
Tatsuya Kinoshita
tats at example.com
Sat Mar 2 11:40:46 JST 2002
In message [mew-int 00755], on Sat, 2 Mar 2002,
Serge Basterot <sergioB at example.com> wrote:
> I applied some lines to my ~/.mew.el for convert my messages with
> Ctrl-c Shift-u. But I can't read mails in latin-0 in text mode. French
> characters as é, à, è... are like that : "?" But I have not this
> problem with graphical emacs. It comes from my general configuration
> of emacs or from mew ?
The configuration [mew-int 00736] works on Emacs 21, but it
doesn't work on Emacs 20. Because Latin-9 (Latin-0) is
unsupported by Emacs 20.
If you want to read Latin-9 mails on Emacs 20, try these
-- ~/.emacs --
(set-language-environment "Latin-1")
(set-input-method "latin-1-prefix") ;; or "latin-1-postfix"
-- ~/.mew.el --
(unless (mew-coding-system-p 'iso-8859-15)
;; If your emacsen doesn't support iso-8859-15, use iso-8859-1
;; instead. But some characters (e.g. EURO SIGN) will be disguised.
(mew-replace-with mew-cs-database-for-decoding
'("iso-8859-15" . iso-8859-1) "iso-8859-15")
(mew-add-first mew-cs-database-for-decoding
'("iso-8859-1" . iso-8859-1)))
(setq mew-cs-database-for-decoding
(mew-uniq-alist mew-cs-database-for-decoding))
The configuration [mew-int 00736] execute my-mew-cs-force-convert-body
automatically. See also mew-send-hook, mew-post-hook, and
Tatsuya Kinoshita
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