[mew-int 00825] Re: Using mew as external mailreader

David A. Panariti panariti at example.com
Fri Mar 29 23:06:30 JST 2002

Also, if you keep an emacs always running or don't want to wait for
one to start up, look into the gnuclient package.  It in involves a
server running on an emacs instance and a command line program that
sends commands to the emacs client.  You can tell it to wait for the
command to complete, or not.
You would use it with its eval option, just like your emacs command in
your script.



>>>>> "PD" == PD Dr Edward Wornar <edi at example.com> writes:

PD> From: "PD Dr. Edward Wornar" <edi at example.com> Subject:
PD> [mew-int 00821] Using mew as external mailreader Date: Thu, 28 Mar
PD> 2002 12:01:28 +0100 (CET)

>> Hello,
>> I'd like to configure my web browsers to start up emacs or use an
>> existing one, and insert the email address into a new
>> mew-draft-buffer. How can that be done?

PD> Just solved the problem. Writing a little file mew.sh emacs
PD> --eval=(progn (compose-mail \"$1\" \"$2\" nil nil nil
PD> \'exit-emacs) (search-forward \"mailto:\" nil t) (replace-match
PD> \"\" nil t)(end-of-buffer))

PD> and entering

PD> mew.sh "%s"

PD> as the URL-Handler did the trick.

PD> Best

PD> Edi

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