[mew-int 00862] Re: adding signature automatically

CHOI Junho cjh at example.com
Sun May 5 21:29:44 JST 2002

Hmmm. That's it. Thanks!

I should run elisp more :)

From: Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 00859] adding signature automatically (was: Hi & some questions)
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 07:40:13 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <20020505.074013.104026944.05 at example.com>

tats> In message [mew-int 00858], on Sat, 4 May 2002,
tats> CHOI Junho <cjh at example.com> wrote:
tats> >  - Is there any to attach signature at the end of message
tats> >    automatically instead of C-c TAB manually? I tried to use hook but
tats> >    not very good result.
tats> See the following configuration:
tats> ---- 
tats> (setq mew-signature-insert-last t)
tats> (add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-newdraft-hook 'mew-draft-insert-signature)
tats> (add-hook 'mew-before-cite-hook
tats> 	  (function
tats> 	   (lambda ()
tats> 	     ;; Go to the top of a message body.
tats> 	     (mew-header-goto-end)
tats> 	     (forward-line))))
tats> ---- 
tats> -- 
tats> Tatsuya Kinoshita

 +++ Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my employers +++
 CHOI Junho [sleeping now]                    <http://www.kr.FreeBSD.org/~cjh>
 [while sleeping] <cjh @ kr.FreeBSD.ORG> <cjh @ FreeBSD.ORG> <cjh @ wdb.co.kr>
 Korea FreeBSD Users Group <www.kr.FreeBSD.org>   Web Data Bank<www.wdb.co.kr>

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