[mew-int 01090] Re: Flyspell in MEW
Tatsuya Kinoshita
tats at example.com
Wed Oct 2 06:44:08 JST 2002
On October 1, 2002, [mew-int 01088],
Charles Muller <acmuller at example.com> wrote:
> > Mew's Draft mode evaluates `text-mode-hook' and
> > `mew-draft-mode-hook'. Read the Mew manual for more information.
> > (M-x info RET d m Mew RET s hooks RET SPC SPC SPC)
> I read this, and tried to enter these "hooks" into my .mew.el file, but even
> after adding all of the below lines, Flyspell still doesn't run
> automatically when I write a draft or reply message in MEW. Any ideas as to
> what I might be missing?
I guessed you have problematic codes in your ~/.emacs or ~/.mew.el.
Please try this:
;;; ~/.emacs
(require 'flyspell)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
;;; ~/.emacs ends here
;;; ~/.mew.el
(setq mew-demo-picture nil)
(setq mew-auto-get nil)
;;; ~/.mew.el ends here
On Emacs 21.2/Mew 2.2, I tried the above simple configuration,
but the problem can't be reproduced. Spelling checker worked in
Mew's draft mode.
Tatsuya Kinoshita
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