[mew-int 01116] Re: Handling Incoming HTML attachments

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
Sat Oct 12 12:51:15 JST 2002

On October 11, 2002, [mew-int 01115],
Charles Muller <acmuller at example.com> wrote:

> I will see what happens the next time I have incoming HTML mail.

> [new] (define-key mew-message-mode-map [mouse-2] 'browse-url-at-mouse)
> [new](setq browse-url-netscape-program "mozilla")
> [new](setq thing-at-point-url-path-regexp "[~/A-Za-z0-9---_.${}#%,:]+")

The above configuration works if you click the mouse-2 button on
the URL in Message mode of Mew.

If you want to use "mozilla" instead of "netscape" for the
HTML/XML mail in Mew 2.2, put the following configuration, and
try `C-c C-e' on the HTML/XML mail in Summary mode of Mew.
(Mew 3 uses "mozilla" by default.)

(setq mew-prog-text/html-ext "mozilla")
(setq mew-prog-text/html-ext-arg '("-remote" "openFile(%s)"))
(setq mew-prog-text/xml-ext "mozilla")
(setq mew-prog-text/xml-ext-arg '("-remote" "openFile(%s)"))
(setq mew-prog-application/xml-ext "mozilla")
(setq mew-prog-application/xml-ext-arg '("-remote" "openFile(%s)"))
(setq mew-ext-url-alist
  '(("^application/" "Fetch by w3" mew-ext-url-fetch-by-w3 nil)
    (t		     "Browse by mozilla" "mozilla" ("-install"))))

Also, If you don't want to use emacs-w3m in the HTML/XML mail,
add this:

(setq mew-prog-text/html nil)
(setq mew-prog-text/xml nil)

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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