[mew-int 01080] Re: Using GREP to Search Subfolders

Charles Muller acmuller at example.com
Mon Sep 9 23:48:05 JST 2002


Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll try a few things and see what
works. I tried Namazu when I first got started in Linux (about six
months ago), and it was too
complicated for me, but perhaps it's time for me to take another shot at



> Hi,
> I can think of three ways OTTOMH:
> 1) find <dir> -type f -print0 | xargs -0  grep -n <pattern>
>    This is actually a builtin command in xemacs,
>    M-x grep-find
> 2) Use a text indexer.  I use namazu.  I index every night and namazu
>    comes with a contributed namzu.el that allows for very nice
>    searching within [X]emacs.
>    http://www.namazu.org
>    Since the index is only updated nightly, you can use #1 for the
>    current day's mail.
> 3) I've also added some lisp code to use agrep:
>    AGREP(l)						 AGREP(l)
>    NAME
>        agrep  - search a file for a string or regular expression,
>        with approximate matching capabilities 
>        agrep [ -#cdehiklnpstvwxBDGIS ] pattern [ -f patternfile ]
>        [ filename... ]
>    I use the prefix arg to specify the number of mismatches
>    agrep allows.  I can post this code if you're interested.
>    (It currently only works on the current folder, however.)
>    This'll need agrep:
>    ftp://ftp.cs.arizona.edu/agrep/
> davep
> >>>>> "Chuck" == Charles Muller <acmuller at example.com> writes:
>    Chuck> The structure of my Mew-Mail directories is such that I
>    Chuck> have a folder named from/ under which I have many
>    Chuck> sub-directories for various types of correspondence.
>    Chuck> I have been successful with using the Grep tool to search
>    Chuck> for strings within one directory, for example, if I do
>    Chuck> grep -n -e XML *
>    Chuck> while I am in the folder "from/tei" I can turn up all
>    Chuck> strings with "XML". But what I would like to use Grep for
>    Chuck> most of all is to find a message when I can't remember
>    Chuck> where I filed it under the "from" folder. In other words,
>    Chuck> I want to search for a string in all sub-folders under
>    Chuck> "from".
>    Chuck> I tried adding the -d switch, and -r switch, but in both
>    Chuck> cases, the search turns up nothing. Can someone offer any
>    Chuck> advice on how to do this?
Charles Muller  <acmuller at example.com>
Faculty of Humanities,  Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJKV-English Dictionary 
Mobile Phone: 090-9310-1787

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