[mew-int 01380] Re: StarSuite
clemens fischer
ino-qc at example.com
Fri Apr 4 22:04:28 JST 2003
Kazu Yamamoto (³Ü§) <kazu at example.com>:
> On Unix, a program is executed according to CT: with
> mew-mime-content-type.
so on unix, would this program be responsible for mapping
Content-Type to an actual program, like metamail used to do according
to ~/.mailcap (and a little ~/.mime.types)?
> On Win and Mac, "fiber.exe" and "open" is executed according to CT:
> with mew-mime-content-type, respectively.
> "Fiber.exe", for example, executes an appropriate application
> according to the suffix of a temporary file which Mew created
> according to Content-Disposition:.
so mew contains a table somewhere mapping Content-* headers to
suffixes. is this a documented variable users can change?
> mew-mime-content-type is customizable. For example, configure
> mew-prog-postscript with an application to display PostScript, for
> Content-Type: application/postscript.
to be honest, i did not read the code to determine every available
mew variable. with your explanations, i believe one can use
mew-prog-postscript for treating contents coming in as
"application/postscript". so there must be a table connecting the
two. is this an open table? usually i would not expect a variable
mew-prog-postscript, but rather a table like:
(append mew-content-type-alist '(
("application/postscript" . (mew-run-prog "ghostview"))
("text/plain" . internal)
("text/html" . (mew-run-prog "lynx"))
where 'mew-run-prog is a hypothetical function, possibly taking some
useful arguments mew can provide easily (like a temporary file name,
current debug level etc.) and the name of a binary application
program the user wants to handle certain content-types with. and the
association list mew-content-type-alist would be in the place of many
"small" variables like mew-prog-postscript, the micro$oft data type
handling variables like used to call up staroffice etc.
> Note also that C-uC-cC-e let you specify CT:. If you specify
> application/postscript, for exapmle, mew-prog-postscript will be
> called. The default variable of CT: is guessed by the suffix of its
> filename. This is convenient in a care where an application file is
> labeled with CT: application/octet-stream (ie binary file) and the
> suffix of its file name is correctly specified.
my problem with this is: how can i specify new MIME types by setting
CT:? i know i could make up custom MIME types easily if there was a
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