[mew-int 01381] Re: Unknown CTE: 7bit

David A. Panariti davep.mew at example.com
Sat Apr 5 13:50:50 JST 2003

>>>>> "Kazu" == Kazu Yamamoto <(山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>> writes:
   From> Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
   Subject> [mew-int 01375] Re: Unknown CTE: 7bit

   >> This problem is reproducible when mew-use-8bit is nil.  `f'
   >> (mew-summary-forward) and `C-c RET' (mew-draft-make-message)
   >> failed on my Emacs 20.7/21.2 also.

   Kazu> Thanks.

   Kazu> This is completely my fault. I misunderstood that Dave is talking
   Kazu> about decoding.

   Kazu> For encoding, yes, this error can occur. I put a code of workaround to
   Kazu> anon cvs, though only a broken MIME message can be produced if this
   Kazu> kind broken MIME message should be included.
Thanks!  I just checked out and built the current cvs code.
It fixes the problem.
I don't think spammers spend too much time worrying about making well-formed
MIME ;->
Now I can forward these spams to uce at example.com, for whatever that is worth.

thanks again.


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                                 -- dp

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