[mew-int 01405] Small patch for mew-temp-file-initial

David A. Panariti davep.mew at example.com
Mon Apr 28 02:17:11 JST 2003

Here's a small patch that adds another place in which to look for a temp dir
for mew: MEWTMP

I run an X server on Windwoes, and hence it is unstable. When the X server
or ``OS'' dies, Mew temp dirs are left over.
This little patch allows me to more easily identify and remove them.
The default mew temp file naming isn't very unique.
Any process could have created, e.g., /usr/tmp/davepvUMCSw

I'm torn between submitting this and just customizing this.
Anyway, here's the patch in case it is of interest.


Birth, n.:
	The first and direst of all disasters.
		-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
-------------- next part --------------
--- mew-vars.el~	Fri Apr  4 23:42:43 2003
+++ mew-vars.el	Sat Apr 26 15:13:30 2003
@@ -2196,7 +2196,8 @@
 (defcustom mew-temp-file-initial
-  (expand-file-name (user-login-name) (or (getenv "TMPDIR")
+  (expand-file-name (user-login-name) (or (getenv "MEWTMP")
+					  (getenv "TMPDIR")
 					  (getenv "TEMP")
 					  (getenv "TMP")

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