[mew-int 01407] Re: Small patch for mew-temp-file-initial

David A. Panariti davep.mew at example.com
Mon Apr 28 05:16:57 JST 2003

>>>>> "davep" == David A Panariti <davep.mew at example.com> writes:

   davep> Here's a small patch that adds another place in which to look for a
   davep> temp dir for mew: MEWTMP

   davep> I run an X server on Windwoes, and hence it is unstable. When the X
   davep> server or ``OS'' dies, Mew temp dirs are left over.  This little
   davep> patch allows me to more easily identify and remove them.  The
   davep> default mew temp file naming isn't very unique.  Any process could
   davep> have created, e.g., /usr/tmp/davepvUMCSw

   davep> I'm torn between submitting this and just customizing this.
I seem to have overloaded `this' a bit, so here is clarification:
1st this: the attached patch
2nd this: `mew-temp-file-initial' and using custom to change.

   davep> Anyway, here's the patch in case it is of interest.


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