[mew-int 01515] scripting mew

Rene Rebe rene.rebe at example.com
Wed Aug 6 07:15:54 JST 2003


due to heavy patch floods in my inbox I woud like to script Mew to
save the mails content, apply it to a working copy, extract text for
the changelog and commit message, and perform the final SVN commit.

I read over the Mew Manual, but did not find info how to create such
scripts. Maybe someone already did s.th. simillar?

Sincerely yours (non LISP hacker ... :-(),
  René Rebe

René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
  rene at example.com rene.rebe at example.com
http://www.rocklinux.org http://www.rocklinux.net/people/rene
http://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/gsmp http://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/rene

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