[mew-int 01274] Fcc to IMAP folder

Andreas Nolda andreas.nolda at example.com
Wed Feb 19 02:28:10 JST 2003


is it possible to specify a remote IMAP folder in mew-fcc? Given a value
of, say, "%fcc", mew 3.1 seems to interpret it as the name of the local
folder +%fcc instead of as the name of an IMAP folder.

Andreas Nolda
Andreas Nolda                    e-mail: andreas.nolda at example.com
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter          www: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophische Fakultät II
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Unter den Linden 6                            phone: ++49-30-2093-9718
D-10099 Berlin                                  fax: ++49-30-2093-9729

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