[mew-int 01284] Re: BBDB Address Book

Chris Beggy chrisb at example.com
Wed Feb 26 22:43:20 JST 2003

On 26 Feb 2003, Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at example.com> wrote: 

>  ___________________________________________________________
> / Charles Muller <acmuller at example.com> wrote:
> | I notice that the Emacs Big Brother Database Address Book
> | <http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/> lists a package for Mew. Does anyone
> | have experience in using this with Mew?
> Chris Beggy <chrisb at example.com> kindly made some usefull scripts. You
> can find them at his web site[1]. The integration in Mew is perfect,
> every time you receive a mail, the address is added (or modified) in
> bbdb.
> I asked him if it is possible that Mew refile can be make by bbdb but
> my english is not so fine and I do not know if he understood my wish
> or if he is working on it (or maybe he is too busy at the time).


Thanks for saying nice things about those little libraries, and I
am glad they are useful for you.  I think I understood your
requests but I have not had the time yet to implement them.


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