[mew-int 01462] Re: mew appends [CR] to some attachments

Rene Rebe rene.rebe at example.com
Mon Jun 9 21:34:15 JST 2003


On: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 16:23:53 +0900 (JST),
    Kazu Yamamoto ($B;3K\OBI'(B) <kazu at example.com> wrote:

> If the patch is attached as BINARY (ie application/octet-stream), Mew
> does not convert line delimiters when saving.
> Note that a patch file should be attached as TEXT (ie text/plain).

Good point ... But Mew just did it again with this mail:

 6049 M06/09  11k Clifford Wolf <cli Patch 0306091233
B    2  Text/Plain(US-ASCII)                                      0306091233..

Where the clear-text in the file indicates:

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="0306091233.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.53.0306091245310.22274 at example.com>
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="0306091233.patch"

Do you have an idea why this happens?

> --Kazu

Sincerely yours,
  René Rebe
    - ROCK Linux stable release maintainer

René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
  rene at example.com rene.rebe at example.com
http://www.rocklinux.org http://www.rocklinux.org/people/rene       
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