[mew-int 01291] Re: [mew 3.2] Bug or feature or.....my fault ? :O)

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
Sun Mar 2 23:16:03 JST 2003

On February 28, 2003, [mew-int 01288],
Meino Christian Cramer <mccramer at example.com> wrote:

>  My question is:
>  I can only send a mail, if the cursor is positioned in the very top
>  of the mail itsself. Is this a feature of Mew, or is it a little bug,
>  or do I have done something very stupid in the configuration ?

I can send a mail even if the cursor is positioned in the
middle/bottom of the mail.

Please try simple setting.  Could you dig up problematic setting
from your init-files (.emacs/.mew.el)?

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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