[mew-int 01297] mew versus gnus?, was Re: sample .mew.el

clemens fischer ino-qc at example.com
Mon Mar 3 03:34:29 JST 2003

Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>:

> See mew.dot.emacs and mew.dot.mew.

ok, these files summarize what's in the info files.

> Also, the following files might give more hint to you.
>   http://tats.iris.ne.jp/mew/tats.mew.el
>   http://tats.iris.ne.jp/mew/tats.mew-theme.el

yes, these are a valuable resource.  i just discovered a problem with
mew contacting leafnode-2 for NNTP.  it's not mews fault, but readers
might want to know that leafnode has a bug when its special "default"
articles are accessed by ARTICLE <message-ID>.

so i still have to use gnus until this is fixed.  this raises the
question of the differences between gnus and mew.  i thought i'd get
an equally capable reader, but with a more logical, MIME oriented
usage pattern and much higher speed.  i was astonished when seeing
that a recent gnus distribution is about one third bigger than mew.

do you think this expectation is justified?  and, how many people
work on mew?


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