[mew-int 01301] Re: questions on mailfolder handling in mew-3.2

clemens fischer ino-qc at example.com
Tue Mar 4 22:21:49 JST 2003

Kazu Yamamoto (³Ü§) <kazu at example.com>:

> Usually, when a user refile messages to a non-exist folder by "o",
> the foloder is created.
> If you create a directory(folder) on Unix Shell, type "1Z" to reflec
> the change to Mew.

ok.  now:

1.  how do i save usenet articles into (i) a MH-maildir or (ii) into
    an mbox file?
2.  with my experimentation with mew, i now have MH-maildirs made by
    mew that i'd like to incorporate into an entirely different mew
    folder structure.  i would have liked to set the variables
    mew-conf-path and mew-mail-path in mew-config-alist to make them
    cases.  is this possible somehow?

> (setq mew-mailbox-type 'mbox)

regarding this variable, it can also be set in mew-config-alist.
should it be a string in double quotes or a symbol with a leading
single quote?  would elisp treat both formats alike?


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